How to take care of the popular money tree without mistakes. We deal with all the subtleties

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Good afternoon, my reader. The fat woman is considered one of the most undemanding and popular houseplants. Even a novice florist will be able to grow it in a domestic environment. The money tree is also known for the fact that it is believed, according to feng shui, to attract income, love and fortune to housing. For this reason, on the windowsills of many apartments, you can see the trees of a fat woman with leaves that look like coins. Raising and caring for a fat woman is quite simple and fun. Providing a sultry flower with the required conditions of detention, it must be borne in mind that in the spring and in the summer season plants an interval of intensive growth, but with the arrival of cold weather, it falls into a resting phase and practically does not is developing.

Fat woman. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Fat woman. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Light and temperature indicators

It is best placed in the southeast, where there is sun, but no intense heat. In cold weather, keep on the southern windowsill. In the summer you can go outside. Fresh air will have a beneficial effect on the plant and help it flourish. The optimum temperature is + 20- + 25 degrees. Since there is a dormant period in winter, you can take it to a cold room, where the thermometer will show + 10- + 14 degrees.

If it is not possible to provide the bastard with the desired temperature in the winter season, then it is recommended to install it away from heating devices. Otherwise, from dry air and heat, the leaves from the plant will begin to crumble, and the tree itself will stretch out. The bastard also begins to throw off the leaves with regular drafts in the room.

How to water and what to feed

When caring for a fat woman, it should be borne in mind that you should not pour a plant with fleshy stalks. Ordinary watering leads to root rot and loss of leaves. The tree is watered only after its earthen lump from above dries out by 3 - 4 centimeters.

During the dormant period, if the plant is in a cold room from November to February, moisture is almost interrupted. At this time, you just need to make sure that the substrate in the pot does not completely dry out.

Fat woman. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

The pot in which the tree grows must certainly have holes below, through which moisture gets into the pan. Before planting the plant, a thick layer of drainage should be poured onto the bottom of the pot.

Water with settled water. Wash the leaves periodically under the shower. But at the same time, wrap the pot with something so that the liquid does not wet the soil. Frequent feeding is not advised. Enough to add a special preparation for succulents once every 2 months.

How to transplant a plant?

Plant care involves replanting every 2 years. The roots of the tree are quite small, for this reason the pot for it must correspond to their size. At the same time, the planting tank must be heavy, since with a small root system, the flowerpot can fall.

The most common standard soil designed for succulents is great for the money tree. You can make a land mixture for transplanting a fat woman yourself, the plant is not particularly demanding on the soil, the main thing is that it is light and breathable.

The money tree does not require too complicated maintenance and will be a decoration of any home.

Do you have a fat woman growing at home?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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