Ficus rubbery - pruning for crown formation

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Good afternoon, my reader. Ficus needs timely pruning to maintain its beautiful shape. This plant grows up quickly, so you need to master the techniques of forming its crown.

Ficus is rubbery. Illustration for the article is used from
Ficus is rubbery. Illustration for the article is used from

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Some features of the plant

Ficus rubber occurs naturally in southern Indonesia, India, western Africa, reaching a height of 40 meters.

At home, it is grown as an ornamental plant. It should be borne in mind that without timely trimming, individual specimens can grow up to 8-10 m, which is not suitable for the limited dimensions of the premises.

The popularity of ficus is explained by the high decorativeness of its leathery leaves with a shiny surface with an intense color. They are able to purify the air and enrich it with oxygen.

When pruning ficus, it is taken into account that in this plant, the apical bud provides the most intensive growth. Also, new shoots can develop from lateral buds located in the leaf axils, but their growth is subtle. In order for additional processes to appear, it is necessary to remove the upper kidney in a timely manner.

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The best time for such an event is the spring season. The plant is actively developing, which allows you to quickly form a compact lush crown. Pruning in summer or fall can weaken the plant.

Methods for pruning a single ficus

When forming the crown of a ficus in one trunk, the following rules are observed:

  • Pruning is performed on a plant with a height of at least 70 cm. The top of his head is cut off, which will subsequently cause the development of axillary shoots. The apical stalk can be planted in the same pot or in a local container.
  • In undersized varieties of ficuses, pruning is usually not carried out, confining itself to pinching the crown. However, the result in the future will be the development of one sprout from a given point.
  • Allows to achieve the appearance of lateral processes by bending the crown. It is carefully secured in this position. When shoots emerge from the bud at the top, the stem is freed so that it takes its starting position.
  • To stimulate the growth of additional branches with a thick needle or an awl, a puncture is made on the main trunk up to a third of the diameter. Several holes can be made, but shoots will only appear from the bottom puncture. Given this feature, the operation is carried out starting from the upper sections of the stem.
  • You can remove branches when forming a crown. For thin branches, a straight cut is made, and thick shoots are cut at an angle.
Ficus is rubbery. Illustration for the article is used from the site

All tools used for trimming must be properly sharpened. They must be treated with antiseptics, rubbing alcohol or disinfected with fire. The evolving plant sap is immediately removed with a soft, damp cloth. Avoid contact with skin, mouth and eyes because of its toxicity. Hands must be protected with gloves. Slices do not require additional processing.

Usually, after pruning, a ficus transplant is practiced. They begin to feed him a month later.

Formation of the original crown

Rubber ficus can please with an unusual crown shape, if you take into account some recommendations for its cultivation:

  • Several young ficuses up to 15 cm high with well-developed strong stems are planted in one pot.
  • As they grow, the trunks are intertwined in any way. For example, a braid will require at least three plants.
  • So that the turns do not fall apart, they are immediately fixed with a soft woolen cord. Usually, each new round is done two months later as the ficus grows.
If required, a support is installed in the pot, which will stabilize the growth of the stems.

You can do without pruning when forming an interesting crown of rubber ficus. For this purpose, the direction of growth of shoots is changed with subsequent fixation.

Is rubber ficus growing in your house?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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