Growing strawberries and strawberry

  • Dec 24, 2019

One of the most common fruit crops among gardeners - it's strawberry. But for an abundant harvest of berries need to know certain nuances. For the cultivation of strawberries, strawberries have already proven technologies.

Growing strawberries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing strawberries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Preparation of the landing site

When selecting a place worth considering that, and strawberries, and strawberries - sun-loving culture. Even if such a place is located in a valley, we should not forget that these places can freeze in the fall and winter, and the plants love the heat. Generally, from the landing location depends on how many berries are sweet and fragrant. But do not put on an old place, new bushes, because continuous cultivation of strawberries, strawberries in one place impoverishes the soil.

Strawberry patch. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Strawberry patch. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
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The beds can be split directly on the ground or deepening. It is best to make a box of lumber, or impose a bed of bricks. Wall cover oilcloth or film it from excess moisture protection. Height beds selects each for themselves. For convenience, the width of the beds makes a little more than a meter, the length selected in accordance with design ideas.

Planting strawberries and strawberry

If you want to get a good harvest during the active life of a plant, a flower bed you need to equip layers:

  • First - this is the drainage, as it is possible to use sand.
  • II - a layer of geotextile fabric or similar material. It will protect against mold and various fungi, and through it did not sprout roots. You can still put the compost, it will provide an earlier warming and fertilization of the soil.
  • Third - basic - fertile ground layer. To improve the quality of the soil layer can be mixed with hydrogel. It helps to absorb excess moisture and release it gradually. It is worth noting that the hydrogel is non-toxic.

Strawberry or strawberry planted in 2 lines must be separated by a distance of 25-30 cm. Among the bushes as necessary to maintain a distance of 30 cm, but this time also depends on the kind of culture. For convenience of work beds split into 50 cm apart.

Care for berries

As stated above, the strawberries quickly depletes the earth, so after complete harvesting strawberries and strawberry bushes are fed phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Also for a good harvest it is not necessary to keep the strawberries in one place for over 2 years. During ripening of berries sprinkled with strawberries (strawberries) is rare, but profusely and eliminating moisture on the leaves and berries, so as not to exacerbate the spread of botrytis. Most often, water is poured into the groove between plants. Watering time - evening. After the procedure, loosen the soil with a rake.

Strawberries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Strawberries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

For the prevention of plant diseases such as gray mold, use ash and thinning. From mildew help haircut, ie after the collection of berries leaves should be cut 2 cm above the horns of strawberries. You can process station Bordeaux mixture. For its preparation will need a water - 10 L, copper sulfate - 100 g of lime and also 100 g This shower will be a good disease prevention.

Some growers instead mowing planting treated with hot water, the spring - with regrowth of leaves, summer - when all fruit collected. To increase the fertility of the bushes in the summer should not be afraid to trim mustache, less than freeloaders, the better.

This is not an exhaustive list of procedures and tips for growing strawberries and strawberry. But each of the time-tested tips.

original articleand many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

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Read more:Urgent problems of strawberries