What diseases are most often attacked by phalaenopsis orchids - methods of control and prevention measures

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Good afternoon, my reader. Phalaenopsis is the most beautiful orchid hybrid. But also the most capricious to care and susceptible to disease species. The most common flower diseases include non-communicable diseases caused by improper care. But fungal, bacterial and viral diseases also quite often attack the delicate plant.

Phalaenopsis (orchid). Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Phalaenopsis (orchid). Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
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The first sign of the disease are small round spots on the leaves, which eventually turn black and sag inside the leaf. A little later, the spots are covered with a yellow or pink bloom.

Anthracnose is caused by high air humidity and stagnation of water in the leaf axils. If a disease is detected, the leaves affected by the infection are cut from the plant. The cut sites are treated with iodine. When the course of the disease is advanced, the medical preparations "Skor", "Mikosan", "Ridomil" are used.

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Prevention of the disease is to regularly ventilate the room and gently blot water from the leaf axils.

Powdery mildew

Refers to fungal infections, manifests itself as a white bloom on the leaves. Untimely treatment will lead to the death of the flower.

The cause of the disease is excessive humidity and high temperature. Such conditions not only steam up the orchid, but are also optimal for the development of the fungus.

Before starting treatment, the plants are watered abundantly and after 3-4 hours they are sprayed with the preparation "Skor" or a solution of colloidal sulfur.

For the purpose of prevention, regular ventilation of the room is carried out without the presence of drafts and the treatment of the bush with "Fitosporin".

Orchid diseases. The illustration for the article is used from liveinternet.ru


Another fungal infection that affects orchid leaves. Most often attacks weakened plants. It manifests itself in spots on the underside of the leaf plate, which have a brownish-red tint.

Infected leaves must be removed and destroyed. Sections are treated with iodine or 25% alcohol solution. Phalaenopsis is sprayed with Ridomil, Mikosan, and Skor.


Gray rot

Signs of its appearance are brown and black specks with a fluffy bloom that form on the leaves. The reason for the appearance is considered to be high humidity.

Treatment is carried out by spraying with any fungicide. When the disease reappears, the fungicide is changed, since the spores of the disease adapt to the drug.

For prevention, the flower is watered with a solution of water and Kendal.

Black rot

Attacks plants infected and weakened by pests or other diseases. Treatment consists of removing the affected leaves and treating the sections with colloidal sulfur.

Fusarium rot

Just like most diseases, it affects orchid leaves. They turn yellow and curl up. The treatment is carried out for 14 days, immersing the flower completely in 0.3% Fundazol solution.

Brown rot

It infects extremely young foliage. It manifests itself as brown spots that are actively growing. The method of struggle is the same as for other types of rot.

To prevent any kind of rot, it is recommended to spray orchids with vitriol solution once a month.

In order to grow healthy plants, you need to follow simple rules:

  • Ventilate the premises on a regular basis, avoiding drafts.
  • Place containers with orchids at a distance from each other.
  • Remove water from leaves in a timely manner.
With proper care, beautiful and delicate orchids will delight their owners for a long time with their extraordinary exotic beauty.

Do you know how to deal with diseases in an orchid?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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