Schlumberger (Decembrist): why there are no buds, how to stimulate the flowering process

  • Dec 13, 2020

Good afternoon, my reader. With the arrival of winter, closer to the New Year, we begin to look closely at the beautiful Schlumberger in the hope of seeing the buds. Unfortunately, our expectations are not always met. An exotic plant, although considered unpretentious, sometimes simply refuses to bloom. And we, as always, begin to figure out if there are any mistakes in caring for him.

Schlumberger (Decembrist). Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Schlumberger (Decembrist). Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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General information about the flower

The Decembrist, or zygocactus, is an epiphyte native to the tropical rainforests of Brazil. Small aerial roots located on long dissected shoots provide the plant's vital activity.

In its natural environment, Schlumberger grows by clinging to the trunks and branches of trees. It absorbs all the necessary nutrients along with precipitation, which is more than enough in the tropical zone.

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Exotic culture and at home can feel comfortable and bloom profusely. To do this, you just need to create conditions for it that are as close to natural as possible.


Schlumberger needs diffused lighting for 10-12 hours a day. However, it should not be placed on window sills, where direct rays of the sun fall - this can cause a burn to the crown.

Schlumberger (Decembrist). Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

In the pre-winter period, the plant must be provided with artificial lighting, since at this time it is preparing for flowering. From the end of January to the middle of spring, the zygocactus will have enough weak lighting, because the plant needs a rest period.

Temperature regime

Tropical culture loves warmth. However, hot, dry air does not suit her - Schlumberger does not bloom in such conditions. The optimum temperature for keeping zygocactus is 18-21 ° C above zero.

During the period of bud setting and winter dormancy, these parameters should be reduced to 15-16 ° C above zero. + 18 ° C will be enough for a flowering plant. The Decembrist will react to a sharp increase in air temperature by dropping buds and flowers.


Dense, fleshy shoots of zygocactus have the ability to accumulate water in reserve. Therefore, the plant does not need frequent, abundant watering. It is best to dampen the earth ball as it dries.

But spraying with water at room temperature is very important for Schlumberger. During the growing season, especially in summer, this procedure should be carried out as often as possible - so it will be easier for the plant to tolerate the heat. In addition, this will save the shoots collected from small members from dust, because it is very inconvenient to wipe them, moreover, they break easily. In winter, they try not to disturb the plant; watering is halved.

Schlumberger (Decembrist). Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Care errors

With proper care, regardless of age, Decembrists bloom profusely from year to year. Some plants spend 15-20 years in the same pot. And this does not affect their health in any way - they plant a large number of buds every season.

It is believed that the flower does not like being moved from place to place. But it is not so. If necessary (renovation, moving to a new house), the zygocactus can be moved to a new location. It just needs to be facing the light source, as before, with the same side.

A spectacular plant brings joy to the house just when other indoor flowers have already "retired". Having mastered the proper care of the Decembrist, you will be able to admire this Christmas miracle for many years.

Do you know how to stimulate the flowering process of a Decembrist?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about zygocactus in the following article:How to breed a zygocactus Decembrist at home