Top 7 most common apple diseases and their treatment

  • Dec 13, 2020

Like other garden plants, fruit trees are susceptible to various diseases. The source of the problem may be mechanical damage (for example, breaking off branches under the weight of the fruit), burns due to excess sunlight and a simultaneous lack of moisture, pests, nutritional imbalance substances. There are top 7 most common apple tree diseases that can be treated with simple and affordable means.

Fruit trees are often subject to various diseases. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Fruit trees are often subject to various diseases. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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This fungus looks like brownish plaques that appear on the surface of the leaves and on the skin of the fruit. Most often these are 1-2 specks, but sometimes scab covers almost the entire surface. Such fruits do not have a presentation. They can only be eaten in a purified form.

The source of the scab is the fungus Venturia inaequalis. Its distribution is typical for central Russia and other regions with a temperate climate. The condition for the reproduction of the fungus is moisture and the close location of apple trees, which is often found in garden plots and nurseries.

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To combat scab, it is recommended to treat trees with Bordeaux liquid 3 times a year (in May, before budding, immediately after flowering and after 2-3 weeks). According to its chemical composition, the liquid is a solution of copper sulfate and slaked lime. It has strong fungicidal properties.

Powdery mildew

This disease leaves a white coating on the surface of leaves, buds and shoots. To combat powdery mildew, remove and burn affected leaves. This is recommended in early spring before flowering begins.

If the pruning was not carried out on time, the tree should be sprayed with the preparations "Skor" and "Topaz". This can be done during the flowering period. After harvesting, it is recommended to treat the apple tree with a solution of copper sulfate or soap.


Peronosporosis (downy mildew) appears on the leaves as white dots, which then turn purple or gray. This disease leads to leaf fall and shedding of flowers.

If the downy mildew has spread to only some of the leaves, the fungus can be wiped off with your fingers or removed entirely. As an easy prophylactic agent, treatment with a manganese or soap-soda solution is recommended. These products will have a disinfecting effect without harming the plant.

As a treatment, it is necessary to spray the trees with Bordeaux liquid. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
As a treatment, it is necessary to spray the trees with Bordeaux liquid. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©


Fruit rot appears as brown spots on the surface of the fruit. As the disease progresses, circles of white dots appear on the affected surface.

Such fruits must be picked (if they have fallen off) or plucked from the tree. It is recommended to remove them from the garden area, as insects and birds can transfer the fungus from the ground to branches and leaves again.

As a treatment, it is necessary to spray the plant with Bordeaux liquid. To prevent the disease next year, it is required to cut out the branches affected by moniliosis in the fall.

Black cancer

Most noticeable on tree bark. It appears in the form of wounds and cracks that deepen, which later leads to a deterioration in the general condition of the plant, a decrease and cessation of fruiting.

The infected areas must be cleaned, treated with a solution of ferrous sulfate and lubricated with garden varnish.

Some diseases can be dealt with by mechanical methods: by cutting or sanding the affected branches. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Some diseases can be dealt with by mechanical methods: by cutting or sanding the affected branches. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©


It spreads along the cortex, leaving small ulcers on it that look like raised points. As a result, the affected bark dies off completely, which can lead to the death of the entire plant.

You can fight cytosporosis by mechanical methods: by cutting or sanding the affected branches. If the fungus has spread strongly, alternating treatments with the Hom fungicide and copper sulfate will help.

Milky shine

This disease occurs after severe winter frosts. The leaves of the apple tree become silvery and then die off. To combat the milky shine, it is necessary to increase the frost resistance of the tree. This is achieved by whitewashing the trunk and feeding it properly.

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Read more:How to prune an apple and pear tree correctly in spring (tips for beginners)