Why anthurium does not bloom at home: problems and solutions

  • Dec 13, 2020

In most cases, the purchased anthurium is a beautiful flowering plant. But after a few months, flower growers may face a problem - the culture ceases to please with abundant and lush flowering. The first thing to do if anthurium does not bloom is to determine the cause and find an effective way to eliminate it.

In most cases, the purchased anthurium is a beautiful flowering plant. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
In most cases, the purchased anthurium is a beautiful flowering plant. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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Why is there no flowering

When growing indoor crops, the problem of lack of flowering occurs quite often. Even after transplanting, abundant watering and spraying, the plant does not begin to bloom. The following factors may contribute to this:

  • The flower is in the growing season at a young age.
  • The room is overly lit or shaded.
  • The temperature regime is different from the required one: it is hot or cold in the room.
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  • Large planting capacity.
  • The composition of the soil was chosen incorrectly.
  • The flower grower does not follow the irrigation scheme, or the level of optimal air humidity is violated.
  • The substrate in which the flower is located is not enriched with nutrients or, conversely, there is an excess of dressings.
  • The root system was damaged during transplantation.
  • The flower is exposed to drafts, or the pot is often rearranged.
  • The plant is affected by diseases or dangerous parasites.
  • Improper wintering caused the lack of bud formation and wilting.

When transplanting, beginners choose the wrong containers, preferring large pots. In this case, the plant grows vigorously in breadth and forms new foliage, kids. It does not begin to bloom until the root system covers the entire earthy clod. To prevent the problem, you need to prepare a container 2-3 cm larger than the previous one.

When applying fertilizers, avoid excessive use of nitrogen-containing preparations. They are aimed at stimulating the formation of green mass, and not at the formation of peduncles.

If the anthurium bloomed normally, but then the process stopped, this may indicate non-compliance with the irrigation scheme or a decrease in air humidity.

Often the plant refuses to please with lush flowering as a result of a rough transplant, after which its roots are damaged. Also, the problem arises against the background of the choice of an unsuitable soil mixture. The substrate should be loose, breathable and contain coarse fibers.

If the anthurium bloomed normally, but then the process stopped, this may indicate non-compliance with the irrigation scheme or a decrease in air humidity. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

How to make anthurium bloom

Having identified the key factors due to which the anthurium refuses to bloom, you should begin to solve the problem. But if there are no deviations from the principles of care, the pot, substrate, watering and light regime are selected correctly, it will be necessary to stimulate flowering manually. To do this, you need to provide the plant with a stressful situation, using the method of spilling the substrate with a hot liquid that warms up to + 40... + 50 ° C. This technique can be used no more than 1 time.

Under natural conditions, the flower grows on the root system of trees and even branches. Therefore, the main source of its food is waterlogged air. Given this feature, some growers do not feed flowers, but eliminate the deficiency of useful elements with good soil and frequent transplants.

Experts recommend using a liquid composition diluted 2 times for flowering specimens, which contains less nitrogen than potassium and phosphorus. Therefore, if the instructions indicate that the drug must be diluted in 1 liter of water, use 2 liters of liquid for this purpose.

"Epin", "Bud" or "Ovary".

After transplanting, the soil must be watered with "Zircon" or "Kornevin".

You can fertilize anthurium no more than 2 times every 30 days. In this case, top dressing is carried out exclusively on wet soil with a normal level of light and heat. Otherwise, the root system of the flower will burn.

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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