Home flowers that should not be kept in your home

  • Dec 13, 2020
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The flora is diverse - each representative of the flora has its own functions and requirements for existence. A person knows about the beneficial properties of plants and about the hostility of certain species to him. Surrounding ourselves, for example, with indoor plants, we think about how they will oxygenate the rooms, “destroy” dust, improve mood and share healing properties. But not everyone knows if all indoor plants are beneficial. Botanists say - not all. There are house flowers that should not be kept at home and grown in rooms where small children can be.

Consider the most important families and their representatives.

Dieffenbachia. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Dieffenbachia. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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Quite common and unpretentious plant of the Aroid family. Large variegated leaves are located on the stems in the same way as on the trunks of small trees. It grows quickly, looks spectacular, so Dieffenbachia can often be seen on verandas, balconies, in living rooms and institutions of various kinds. Juicy leaves and stems contain a rather poisonous sap - once on the mucous membrane, it can cause a serious burn.

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First, two facts about this representative of the Aroid family:

  • Translated from Greek, the name of a flower consists of two words - a veil (spathe) and a leaf (phyllon). Looking closely at the shape, we see two elements: a small ear that envelops the bedspread.
  • The people call the flower "female happiness". It is believed that he attracts love for unmarried girls, brings peace to the family and helps the birth of a long-awaited child.

With all the advantages of spathiphyllum - aesthetic and mystical - the flower belongs to dangerous plants. The leaves contain a poison (calcium oxalate), which, when in contact with the mucous membranes, causes inflammation of the eyes and irritation of the stomach. It is recommended that you take care of the flower with gloves or wash your hands thoroughly after handling it.

Spatiphyllum. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com


Another plant of the Aroid family. It got its name because of its special "attachment" to trees. In its homeland, in the humid rainforests of the Americas, the plant climbs trees with its aerial roots to reach sunlight. Here, too, it was not without mysticism: it is believed that this vine is "muzhegon", that is. provokes quarrels and the husband's departure from home. The juice is poisonous, you should be careful when caring for the plant. But there is a serious benefit from the philodendron - he is one of those representatives of the flora that better than others purify the air around them.

Philodendron. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com


This plant has many fans, which is not surprising - a beautiful shrub of the Kutrovy family looks like a small tree with a thick crown, and large flowers look like a rose. Originally from the Arabian Peninsula, this succulent is found in the arid regions of Africa. All parts of the plant contain a toxic substance, a special concentration is in the milky juice.

Adenium. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Penetrating into the bloodstream, it can cause severe poisoning. Even contact with the flower can cause burns. It is not for nothing that in the natural habitats of adenium, its milky juice is still used to lubricate arrowheads.

Do you have indoor flowers at home?

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Read about indoor plants in the following article:Houseplants that bring happiness and good luck to your home