Which scatter fertilizer in March, the snow

  • Dec 24, 2019
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In search of an answer to the question of what to scatter fertilizer in March, the snow, gardeners share their views and experiences, trying to find the optimal solution. It is important to bear in mind that not all of the known feeding are suitable for use in the early spring. But it's not the only problem.

Not all the known feeding are suitable for use in the early spring. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.com
Not all the known feeding are suitable for use in the early spring. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.com

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Is it possible to use fertilizer in the snow

On the issue of the use of fertilizers on the March snow, much depends on the region of the height of the snow cover. In the southern areas can fertilize the soil closer to spring, when the earth melts during the day and freezes at night. In such soil minerals dissolve gradually penetrating the arable layer without risk of being eroded melting snow. In other regions, where snow is usually a lot, they simply carry away the melt water.

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What fertilizer can work in early spring

To your efforts for making fertilizer in March, did not melt with the snow, you need to know, you can work with any of them, and what is best left up to the good weather conditions.


Such fertilizers only promote the melting of the snow, for example, is superphosphate. But dressing it does not fit in this period. The reason is simple: phosphorus effectively acts only in the soil. When the solution is poured bush or directly applied at planting in the well, feeding the plant receives.

So do not waste your effort in vain, sprinkle phosphorus fertilizers on the March snow, believing that during the melting of snow, they go into the ground and go to the plants. The desired effect will not be.

On the issue of the use of fertilizers on the March snow, much depends on the region of the height of the snow cover. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.com
On the issue of the use of fertilizers on the March snow, much depends on the region of the height of the snow cover. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.com


They can be used in the discussion of the situation. But here it is important to consider the type of fertilizer. Thus, urea, or urea more familiar name, which contains a lot of nitrogen (46%) can not be used. He will not give the desired result.

The effect of this organic matter is only in June, in the second half of the month, when they start to work urobakterii decomposing urea. However, the drug can be used to spray the trees at the rate of 800 g of urea in 10 l of water. In this case, it acts as an effective fungicide.

But the introduction of calcium nitrate will provide the desired effect. This kind of dressing acts as both nitric acid and calcium, it is very important for the plants in the spring. Per 1 square. m scatter about 1 handful nitrate.

Effectively you can use ammonium nitrate. Moreover, it should be applied in the spring in the first place. Many people prefer this type of feeding not only because it is the cheapest. Nitrate granules "burn" ice and snow crust, which is very useful if the cover is thick.

In addition, nitrate begins to act in the cold ground, which is still "sleeping", and plants suffer from spring nitrogen hungry and need feeding. Organics will not help, because it will start to work only in the heated soil. Therefore, ammonium nitrate under perennial vegetable crops, for grapes, shrubs and trees - this is what you need.

It is also important that the nitrate contains nitrogen in the nitrate and amide forms half. Plants absorb nitrates begin immediately, thus quickly eliminating nitrogen shortage. A week later, it starts to operate a second form - amide, which ensures long-lasting effect.

Complex fertilizers

Among the gardeners are many who prefer to work with complex fertilizers - it is easier and gives better results. Moreover, in the embodiment of the snow and it is they should be given preference.

Demanded kind complex - azofoska containing nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus (15% each). When making the snow behaves perfectly: while melting away the fertilizer into the soil and reaches the plants. In addition, an inexpensive fertilizer.

If desired, one can choose a more expensive complexes containing, besides the potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus, copper, iron, zinc, boron and other trace elements necessary for plants. The use of such compositions in the early spring gives a positive result.

Therefore, if you decide to make fertilizer, without waiting for complete melting of the snow in your area, look at it for them.

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