The bark of the apple tree is cracking, it's time to save

  • Dec 13, 2020

Many gardeners are faced with an unpleasant situation when the bark of an apple tree cracks. The earlier the treatment is carried out, the higher the chance to save the tree from death.

The bark cracked on the apple tree. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
The bark cracked on the apple tree. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Causes of cracks in the bark of an apple tree

To eliminate cracks, it is necessary to identify the factors causing their appearance:

  • defeat by a fungal disease;
  • sunburn;
  • the action of insects;
  • freezing;
  • damage by rodents.

The most unfavorable cause of cracks is the fungal disease cytosporosis. In rainy weather in spring and autumn, the risk of infection increases. Spores are carried by wind or by insects (often aphids).

First, the bark is damaged, causing it to dry out. Later branches die, and then the tree. Cytosporosis, depending on the stage of the disease, is manifested by the following symptoms:

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  • Red-brown and green bark coloration.
  • The presence of pycnidia (black bumps). They contain fungal spores.
  • The appearance of ulcers in the damaged area.
  • Drying of leaves and flowers.
  • Cracks in the bark. They occur at the boundaries with a healthy surface.
  • Isolation of gum.
  • Fungus damage to wood.

After sunburn, the bark and cambium turn red. If insects are present, they can be found under the damaged area. After frostbite, the cambium turns brown.

The bark can naturally crack after the winter period. In this case, it is easily separated, there is intact wood under it.

To eliminate cracks, it is necessary to identify the factors causing their appearance. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

How to treat cracks in the bark of an apple tree

Var is applied to small cracks after removing unhealthy areas. Large cracks are covered with a mixture at the rate of: 1 kg of fresh ash is taken for 1 kg of clay. Then the affected area is covered with 1 layer of burlap.

To get rid of damage by cytosporosis, you need to cut out the diseased areas to wood. In this case, the knife must be sharp. After the procedure, the affected area is disinfected with a 2% solution of copper sulfate. Then a garden pitch is applied to the damaged area. You can also use modern fungicides. Branches with signs of fungal infection are removed.

With a slight frostbite, the defect is treated with a mixture, which includes 300 g of clay, 100 g of manure and lime each. In case of significant damage, mix 300 g of manure, 200 g of clay and finishing putty.

In case of sunburn, after removing the damaged area, 1 part of wax is applied, combined with 1 part of lard. With a large number of lesions, a mixture is used that includes 70% nigrol, 17% wax, 13% rosin.

Treatment of cracks in the bark of an apple tree. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

To prevent cracks in the bark of an apple tree, the following measures will help:

  • Disinfection of garden tools.
  • Timely pruning of branches.
  • Avoiding mechanical damage to the bark.
  • Minimal use of pesticides. Excessive use of these drugs leads to weakening of trees and their vulnerability to disease.
  • Loosening the soil. This will prevent a lack of oxygen and improve root nutrition.
  • Fertilizing the soil with potassium and phosphorus.
  • Cover the ground around the apple tree with organic mulch.
  • Whitewashing the tree trunk. The procedure is needed to prevent sunburn.
  • Prevention of high soil moisture.

Trees should be inspected frequently to identify pathologies.

Do you know how to treat cracks in the bark of an apple tree?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about caring for apple trees in the following article:How to treat apple trees from diseases and pests in early spring