How to care for thuja in the country

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Thuja is a plant of the Cypress family, belongs to the genus of conifers. It is distinguished by its attractive appearance, the possibility of crown formation. The bush is grown as an element of landscape design.

Thuja is a plant of the Cypress family, belongs to the genus of conifers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Thuja is a plant of the Cypress family, belongs to the genus of conifers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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How is care done after planting a thuja

The plant can be planted before winter or spring. For this, seedlings are used. However, the planting material takes time to settle down and start developing in a new place. Aids will help speed up this process: high-quality watering, soil treatment and fertilizers. Thuja most of all needs useful components in the second year of life after planting. The stock of fertilizers applied to the soil at the preparatory stage is sufficient for the normal formation of the crown. Stimulants can help ensure stable growth of a shrub / small tree. Such funds will help prevent the development of infectious diseases, pest attacks.

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Thuja prefers a humid environment. However, excessive moistening of the soil should not be allowed, in which case the water will stagnate, which will lead to rotting of the root system. In order for the plant to receive enough moisture, it is recommended to plant it where the groundwater is close to the soil surface. In this case, you do not have to water the plant often. It is possible to determine that the thuja does not receive enough water by external signs. The crown will turn yellow, dry out.

The frequency of watering differs depending on the climate: during drought, the soil is moistened 2 times a week, during the rainy season, you can limit yourself to one watering every 6-7 days. Water consumption is 20-30 liters per tree. If it rains frequently in summer, watering is not performed. Thuja will consume natural resources. Sprinkler method is preferred.

Thuja care includes loosening the soil and removing organic residues. To retain moisture, a mulching method is used. Crown formation is postponed until the third year of plant life. You should wait for the thuja to grow to a standard size in accordance with its age.

Thuja most of all needs useful components in the second year of life after planting. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Autumn, winter and spring care

The last fertilization phase occurs at the end of summer. Thuja prepares for wintering in order to hibernate for this period. In order for the shrub to receive the right amount of nutrients in the cold season, it is watered abundantly, starting from the first month of autumn. Before the onset of cold weather, the soil around the plant is loosened, at this stage peat, sawdust or crushed tree bark are brought in - any method of mulching is chosen.

To reduce the risk of freezing shrubs, it is prepared for the cold: spruce branches are placed at the base of the trunk. This should be done before the onset of stable frosts. If the thuja is young (up to 3 years old), you need to completely close its crown, for which spunbond, burlap or a wooden frame are used. You should first collect the branches, they are pressed with a rope to the trunk. A thick layer of mulch is laid on the surface of the soil. In the spring, when a steady warming occurs, a covering material is used, but lighter. It will help protect the plant from burns.

Have you already planted thuja on your site?

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