Hilling potatoes: terms, rules, when and how to hilling

  • Dec 13, 2020

When growing potatoes, it is imperative that it is hilled several times during the summer season, forming a mound of loose earth at the base of the bush. In small areas, this is done by hand with a hoe, shovel or hoe. Large potato fields are spud with cultivators or walk-behind tractors.

When growing potatoes, it is imperative that it is hilled several times during the summer season, forming a mound of loose earth at the base of the bush. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
When growing potatoes, it is imperative that it is hilled several times during the summer season, forming a mound of loose earth at the base of the bush. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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What does the procedure give and when is it carried out

Hilling potatoes is necessary in order to form more lateral roots, on which tubers form over time. In addition, when loosening the soil, the access of oxygen and life-giving moisture to the root system of the vegetable crop improves, and the growth of weeds is prevented.

Humped potato bushes look neat and the tubers are completely hidden underground. After hilling, the yield of potatoes increases by at least 20%. This procedure must be carried out in areas with clay and loamy soil. Hilling is not done on sandy soils.

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It is recommended to process potato bushes up to 3 times per season:

  • when the height of the potato bush reaches 20 cm;
  • 3 weeks after the first procedure;
  • one month after re-hilling.

Work is carried out in the morning or evening. During the first procedure, the plants can be completely covered with earth, there is no need to be afraid of this. The covered sprouts will grow up in a few days and appear on the surface of the site. During the period of active flowering, the vegetable crop should not be touched so that the plant does not drop its buds.

Hilling has a beneficial effect on potatoes. Enriched with oxygen after the procedure, the tubers quickly gain weight. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

How to huddle correctly

Simultaneously with hilling, the soil is loosened and all weeds are removed. Depending on the size of the potato bush, a mound of loose earth around it is made from 10 to 30 cm in height.

If the soil is dry, then the area must be watered before loosening. Immediately after hilling, due to the threat that the earthen embankment will spread, watering with a hose under high pressure is not recommended. After heavy rain, the procedure is carried out no earlier than 2 days later. In the rainy season, it is better to completely abandon hilling.

The most common way is to sprinkle the earth with a hand hoe or hoe. With the tool, they dig in and shovel the soil to the right or left (as convenient), gradually moving from one plant to another. When moving in the other direction along the row, the processing of plants is carried out in the opposite direction. As a result, a mound of earth is formed under the bushes, and between the beds there are depressions for collecting water during precipitation and irrigation.

When working with a shovel, moving between the potato rows, you can add soil to 2 sides at the same time. The stems of the bushes are carefully pushed apart and alternately sprinkle the earth to the right and then to the left. Dry grass or straw can be thrown over the earthen embankment. After a few days, the bush will grow up, numerous side shoots will form on it.

Hilling has a beneficial effect on potatoes. Enriched with oxygen after the procedure, the tubers quickly gain weight. And in the lush greenery of the bushes, glucose accumulates, which, gradually dissolving, passes to root crops and increases the starch content in them.

Do you know why you need to huddle potatoes?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about digging potatoes in the following article:When to dig potatoes: timing and readiness of young potatoes