The appearance of flies in the house in the fall: causes and solutions to the problem

  • Dec 13, 2020

Good afternoon, my reader. The question of the reason for the appearance of flies in the house is occupied by many. In autumn, this trouble affects both people living in the country and those who are in the city. The main reason for this phenomenon is the location near the dwelling of places that attract insects and are suitable for their life. Such places include:

Flies in the house. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Flies in the house. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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  1. Compost piles and cesspools are a favorite habitat for flies. If such insect magnets are not on your site, but on the next one, the threat of flies in the house is still high.
  2. A nearby trash can. When the trash can is not cleaned, there is debris on the ground, which attracts flies even more.
  3. Smells of food in the house, crumbs left on the table, uncovered and uncleaned food debris. To eliminate this factor, always seal food and put it back in place immediately after eating.
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  5. Infrequent removal of garbage. If you rarely throw away your trash, there is a risk that the smell of spoiled food in the bucket will attract pesky insects.
Summer is a period of active reproduction of flies, and all grown individuals in the fall strive to find a warm place for wintering.

Windows, doors, cracks in walls and ceilings are all potential pathways into the house, opened by insects. They occupy the holes in order to wait out the cold and fly away from there in the spring, so when the temperature rises, they begin to actively move around the house.

It is customary to distinguish 3 groups of ways to fight flies:

  • folk;
  • modern;
  • chemical.

Folk remedies for pest control

The simplest and most affordable, folk ways to eliminate flies in the house are the most popular. This group includes sticky tape, special plants, various poisons.

Flies in the house. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Duct tape

This method looks unpleasant, does not carry an aesthetic function, but it is quite popular among those faced with infestations of flies. This tape is sold at any hardware store and is inexpensive. The disadvantages of the trap include:

  • disgusting sight of flies stuck to the bait: you should not look at the tape before eating;
  • clothes or hair can stick to the trap;
  • for large rooms one tape is not enough, you will need to buy several.

Vacuum cleaner against flies

A more radical and effective way is a vacuum cleaner to catch insects. With this tool, you need to walk over windows, window sills, corners, so the device will absorb flies. The disadvantages of an anti-pest vacuum cleaner are:

  • the presence of inaccessible tools of places that he will not reach;
  • not all owners of summer cottages have a vacuum cleaner in their arsenal, and taking the device from the city is not the best option.

Natural poisons

Food that is tasty and healthy for humans can be poison to flies. For example, condiments or garlic.

  1. Black pepper. By mixing the ground before with honey or jam, you get a mixture that is poisonous for insects.
  2. Carnation. This spice needs to be spread out in places where flies accumulate, you can first stick it into the orange zest.
  3. Chopped garlic. This product, placed in saucers, must be placed in the places where insects live. You are guaranteed a destructive effect on pests.
Modern fly control options include trap lamps, insecticide lamps and electric fly swatters. Electric fumigators spread odors that flies cannot bear.

Do you know why flies appear in the house?

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