Seedling picking - what is it and why is it needed?

  • Dec 13, 2020
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The grown seedlings in a common box or container at a certain moment require a pick - replanting the seedlings in separate containers. Each gardener determines for himself how and when to pick seedlings. Some dive all seedlings, others partially, some ignore it altogether, believing that transplanting negatively affects the further growth of seedlings.

The grown seedlings in a common box or container at a certain moment require a pick - replanting the seedlings in separate containers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
The grown seedlings in a common box or container at a certain moment require a pick - replanting the seedlings in separate containers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Seedling picking - what is it

Seedling picking (diving) is the transplanting of grown plants into separate containers. In the process of transplanting, a part of the main root is cut, followed by deepening. This procedure stimulates the branching of the seedling root system.

Often, due to inexperience, gardeners carry out an incorrect dive. To avoid this, it is important to know how and when the dive is carried out and for which crops.

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Diving affects different crops in different ways. There are plants on which picking has a positive effect, for others it can be fatal.

The case when it is necessary to plant seedlings, but they cannot be dived. Here transshipment will help - transplanting a seedling from a common container to an individual one, without damaging the earthen coma. Transshipment is carried out by hand or with a shovel, without the use of a dive fork.

Why dive

Pruning the main root promotes the active growth of additional lateral roots, which provides the sprouts with a developed root system and favorably affects their further growth and development.

Transplanting helps to choose the best planting material, because it is carried out on healthy and strong bushes.

After cutting the root, the seedlings are transplanted into new soil, which reduces the risk of disease.

The growth of tops slows down - the stems do not stretch, with a long germination in the room they remain healthy.

Plants become more resilient, because in the process of transplanting they endure stress, quickly adapt to changed environmental conditions.

With a compact root system, further transplantation is facilitated.

In the process of growth, plants grow, in one container they begin to interfere with each other, nutrients become insufficient. Root systems are intertwined. To avoid this, a pick is required.

Seedling picking stimulates the branching of the seedling root system. Illustration for the article is taken from open sources
Seedling picking stimulates the branching of the seedling root system. Illustration for the article is taken from open sources

For planting seedlings in the form of groups (low-growing flowers), a pick is not needed, the interlacing of the roots is not scary for them. But tomatoes and peppers are the most whimsical plants, a transplant is simply necessary for them, excessive trauma to their root system can lead to a slowdown in plant growth or its death.

A timely picking helps to identify poorly developed and sick seedlings, from which there will be no benefit.

The appearance of mold on the soil or a diseased plant requires urgent transplantation of seedlings.

Plucking the main root at the time of the pick is favorable for tomatoes, cloves, cabbage, garden strawberries, petunias, lobelia.

Plants that do not tolerate transplanting, deep loosening of the soil, also do not tolerate diving. These include flowers and vegetables - cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini, melon, poppy, mallow.

Diving of seedlings, as a rule, is carried out on the 3rd week after germination of shoots after the appearance of the 2nd true leaf, the cotyledons, which appear first. Illustration for the article is taken from open sources
Diving of seedlings, as a rule, is carried out on the 3rd week after germination of shoots after the appearance of the 2nd true leaf, the cotyledons, which appear first. Illustration for the article is taken from open sources

At what stage of development do plants dive

Diving of seedlings, as a rule, is carried out on the 3rd week after germination of shoots after the appearance of the 2nd true leaf, the cotyledons, which appear first.

In exceptional cases, the dive can be carried out earlier. This applies to densely planted seedlings. But later it is not desirable, because the older the seedling, the harder it will tolerate a dive.

Whether or not to transplant plants - each gardener decides for himself, based on his own experience. If space permits, it is better to immediately plant seedlings in individual cups, which will avoid unnecessary injury.

If space is limited, it will be necessary to acquire the skills of correct diving, which will have a beneficial effect on the growth of seedlings and on further fruiting.

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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