The main diseases of cucumbers - description and methods of treatment

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Home gardeners need to know the main diseases of cucumbers in order to take timely measures and protect their crops from dangerous infections.

A disease called powdery mildew often occurs in mid-summer. The infection reduces the yield several times. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
A disease called powdery mildew often occurs in mid-summer. The infection reduces the yield several times. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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What cucumbers are sick with

One of the most common fungal infections affecting vegetables in the greenhouse and in the open field is ascochitis.

First, light spots appear on the edges, and then on the entire surface of the leaves. After a few days, spores appear on these formations. Shoots and roots are covered with light brown spots. The decay process ends with the death of the plant. The fruits turn black and dry out. Such cucumbers are unsuitable for food.

Ascochitosis affects vegetables during the period of active fruiting. Fungal spores can enter the soil along with infected tops of other crops, which are often used as fertilizer or mulch.

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The pathogen can also be found in the seeds. Therefore, you should carefully choose the planting material. It is recommended to disinfect and steam the soil before transferring seedlings. Plants should be sprayed with copper sulfate and Bordeaux liquid.

Do not allow sudden temperature fluctuations in the greenhouse. It is also better to exclude watering with cold water. If spots appear on the stems, they are treated with a copper-chalk mixture.

In a humid and warm environment, angular spotting of cucumber leaves rapidly develops. If the showers are replaced by heat, then the bacteria that are in the soil are activated. The disease affects all plant tissues. The main symptom is brown spots with an oily character. If the weather is dry, they become covered with a dense crust. Leaves fall. More than 50% of the crop perishes from bacteriosis.

Do not allow sudden temperature fluctuations in the greenhouse. It is also better to exclude watering with cold water. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

The carrier of the disease is poor-quality planting material. An additional factor in the development of angular spotting is a violation of the rules of agricultural technology.

Seeds should be treated with Phytoflavin before planting. In addition, disinfection of the greenhouse, including the supporting structures, is recommended. It is necessary to maintain a temperature of 25 ° C, observe the irrigation regime and regularly ventilate the greenhouse.

Violation of the rules for caring for cucumbers provokes the development of root rot. With too much watering, the roots do not have enough oxygen. They are weakening. The natural protective barrier in cells falls. As a result, the root system is affected by pathogenic microflora. During the drought period, the culture becomes infected due to the fact that the pathogen first penetrates into the dead parts of the root, then infects the healthy tissues of the plant.

The rot spreads quickly. The stems dry and wither, the leaves fall off, the fruits are unsuitable for humans. To prevent the development of the disease, you should regularly, but moderately water the plants. The water should be at room temperature. Regular soil renewal and weeding of the site is recommended. The lower part of the plant should be chalked, powdered with sand or peat. A small amount of bleach can be added to the ground.

It is necessary to take action in time and protect your crop from dangerous infections. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

If the summer is rainy and cold, a white friable film forms on the green parts of the cucumbers. The spots become dark after a while. The affected leaves dry out. The fruit tastes bitter. A disease called powdery mildew often occurs in mid-summer. The infection reduces the yield several times. All crops of the pumpkin family growing nearby are at risk. The infection is transmitted with moisture droplets.

To prevent the development of powdery mildew, it is recommended to disinfect the soil and seeds. Plants can be sprayed with soap and soda liquid. In addition, industrial preparations such as Pseudobacterin-2, Baktofit, Novosil, Topaz, Karatan are effective means.

You can avoid the appearance of powdery mildew if you plant cucumber varieties that have developed resistance to this infection. These include Adam, Hector, Vyaznikovsky, Swallow, etc.

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