Planting potatoes in June: all the pros and cons of this growing method

  • Dec 13, 2020

It is believed that potatoes need to be planted in the spring, but some summer residents do this work in early summer. Planting potatoes in June has the benefits of a good harvest. It helps to increase crop yields by following the rules of agricultural technology, which are guided by experienced gardeners.

Planting potatoes in June has the benefits of a good harvest. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Planting potatoes in June has the benefits of a good harvest. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Advantages and disadvantages of summer landing

For summer planting, summer residents most often use the beds left after harvesting the crops that have ripened by this time. A more rational use of the site is one of the main advantages of the method. There are other pluses:

  • accelerated emergence of shoots;
  • lack of low temperatures;
  • crop protection from pests and diseases;
  • the possibility of longer storage of the crop;
  • tubers do not need germination;
  • the minimum amount of weeds in the garden.
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The disadvantages include the following:

  • the likelihood of losing part of the crop due to early frosts;
  • the need for frequent watering of the beds during the hot period;
  • small size of tubers.
Experienced summer residents take these factors into account, but they are sure that late cultivation of potatoes has more advantages. It is better protected from the Colorado potato beetle, fungal pathologies, etc., since the development of green mass and root crops does not coincide with the peaks of parasite activity. Loosening the soil before planting prevents the growth of weeds that would be difficult to control with a normal work schedule.
For the cultivation of late potatoes, gardeners choose early ripening varieties, the growing season of which does not exceed 2-3 months. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

For the cultivation of late potatoes, gardeners choose early ripening varieties, the growing season of which does not exceed 2-3 months. Often "June" potatoes are not intended for long-term storage and are dug out young. Climatic changes also have a chance to shift the planting time of tubers, because now the cold comes much later.

Which varieties are suitable for planting in June?

You can minimize the risks of late planting of potatoes by choosing the following varieties:

  • Luck. An early ripening variety with a high yield, keeping quality, resistance to pathologies, drought and frost.
  • Nevsky. Mid-season type of potato. He is not afraid of being hit by viral infections and gives a high yield.
  • Pretty boy. Plants of this variety tolerate heat well.
  • Tiras. This species is undemanding to soil and climatic conditions. It is characterized by resistance to pathologies. An early ripe high-yielding variety.
  • Impala. Potatoes, unpretentious to growing conditions, are immune to viruses. The variety is characterized as super early.
The soil must be sufficiently moistened, so the potatoes are watered at least once every 3 days. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

How to Plant and Grow Late Potatoes?

Tubers intended for summer planting do not need complex preparation. The summer resident needs to ensure that they do not dry out. It is better to store the planting material in a cool place without access to light. It is advisable to sprinkle the tubers with ash, which will act as an antiseptic and will be a source of nutrients after the potatoes are buried in the soil.

To protect against the summer heat, the tubers are planted in ridges. Potatoes are traditionally buried in soil that is not suitable for this method of planting, but the beds are mulched with straw. It is desirable that its layer reaches 15 cm. It is important not to overfeed the soil with fertilizers, since they have already been applied in the spring. You should not get carried away with feeding the culture with organic matter. If necessary, it is better to fertilize the plantings with complex preparations specially designed for the plant.

The soil must be sufficiently moistened, so the potatoes are watered at least once every 3 days. When foliage appears, watering frequency can be reduced by controlling soil moisture. It is more expedient to water the plants at the very root.

Timely application of fertilizers in the required amount will help accelerate the growing season of the crop and the formation of full-fledged tubers. The timing of feeding should be determined based on the stage of potato growth. For the first time after planting, fertilizers are applied during the period of growing green mass. For the first feeding, a mixture is made of 20 g of potassium sulfate and 20 g of ammonium nitrate. This amount is enough to fertilize 1 m². During the budding period, the bushes are fertilized with ash (100 g per 1 m²). After flowering, 40 g of superphosphate are consumed per 1 m² of beds.

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