DIY vegetable snack: a delicious assortment of available products

  • Dec 13, 2020

Assorted vegetables is a dish that is always popular with housewives for a number of reasons. The first is a beautiful dish due to the use of vegetables of various colors (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers). The second is a delicious snack that always has an unusual taste due to the combination of various products in it. The third is a great way to use the grown crop. The cucumber and tomato assortment has a long shelf life and is easy to prepare. The secret of this recipe is that you need to pour vegetables twice. Read on for details.

Vegetable snack. Illustration for the article is used from the site
Vegetable snack. Illustration for the article is used from the site

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Number of products per 3 l:

Small tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers (any amount).

Onions - 1 pc.

Garlic - no more than 8 cloves.

Spices: dill, peppercorns.


Salt - 2 tbsp l.

Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.

Acetic essence - 2 tsp l.

Water - one and a half liters.

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The combination of the number of vegetables in the appetizer is arbitrary.

First step - preparation of cans. They, as well as the lids, must be thoroughly washed and sterilized.

Second step - filling cans with vegetables. Dill and chopped onion rings are placed on the bottom. Then we prepare the rest of the vegetables: for tomatoes, we prick the place where the stalk is attached with a wooden skewer; cut large cucumbers into pieces; peel the bell pepper from seeds and cut into pieces. Fill the jar tightly with vegetables in random order.

Third step - the first fill. As a filling, there will be ordinary boiling water. We leave the jars of vegetables in this state for half an hour (it can be longer - up to 2 hours).

Fourth step - preparation of the marinade. Pour the cooled water from the jars into a saucepan and cook the marinade from spices, salt and sugar. This mixture should boil over the fire for at least 5 minutes. Then we turn off the heating, and add vinegar essence to the broth (its amount can be varied - for a spicy marinade, the ratio of water and essence is permissible 1 tsp. l. one and a half liters).

Vegetable snack. Illustration for the article is used from the website

While the marinade is being prepared, peeled cloves of garlic should be added to the vegetables. Their number is also arbitrary and depends on the desire to end up with a more or less spicy snack.

Fifth step - final casting and seaming. While the marinade is hot, they need to quickly pour over the vegetables in the jar. Pour the broth to the maximum - the solution should completely cover the vegetables and reach the lid.

Without letting the marinade cool down, quickly roll up the jars with a lid. Then they should be turned over, put with the lid down and wrapped in some kind of warm cloth. Only after the assortment has cooled, it is moved to a cool, dark place - there it can be stored for a long time and wait in the wings - for serving. If you don't want to wait, then you can try preservation in two or three weeks - it will be ready.

In addition to these vegetables, you can use other products in the assortment - at the discretion of the hostess.

Do you make vegetable snacks?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about tomatoes in a sweet marinade in the following article:Original tomatoes in a sweet marinade - for those who want something special