Characteristics and description of tomato Gold Cherokee Green

  • Dec 13, 2020

Tomato variety Gold Cherokee Green was created by the American breeder Craig Leholie at the end of the twentieth century. The name refers to the Cherokee Indian tribe, as one of the first cultivators of this culture in history.

The color of the tomato is unusual - greenish-amber, and its taste is no worse than that of yellow and red tomatoes.

Cherokee Green gold is a non-hybrid variety. The seeds are obtained from a self-grown plant. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Cherokee Green gold is a non-hybrid variety. The seeds are obtained from a self-grown plant. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Characteristic features of the variety

Cherokee Green gold is a non-hybrid variety. The seeds are obtained from a self-grown plant. But on sale it is rare and distributed more often among collectors.


The plant is tall, indeterminate (not limited in growth), 1.8 m high. It has a powerful root system: the depth of the roots in the soil reaches 2 m.The brush is complex, branched, has 5-6 ovaries. Leaves are typical.

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The variety is a large-fruited, flat-round tomato with slight ribbing. Thin, delicate dull golden skin looks like bronze or amber with a hint of greenery slightly patinated.

The pulp is green, juicy, “fleshy”, with few seeds. Fruit weight - 300-500 g. The taste is rich, sweet with a slight sourness, reminiscent of tropical fruits.

Ripening terms

Golden Cherokee Green is a mid-season variety. Fruiting occurs 110-120 days after germination, but for the fruits to fully ripen, you should wait another 10 days.

Ripening is extended over a long period, the bush bears fruit throughout the summer season.

The variety is high-yielding: up to 7 kg of tomatoes are harvested from a bush, up to 10 kg of tomatoes in a greenhouse.

The nutritional value

A green-fruited tomato contains ascorbic acid, carotene, lipids, vitamins C, K, B9, and is rich in potassium and flavonoids. It contains proteins and carbohydrates, very little fat. It is a low calorie and low carbohydrate product.

The variety does not contain the lycopene and anthocyanins found in the fruits of red tomatoes, which is very important for allergy sufferers.


The golden-green tomato belongs to the “beef” tomato group, because it is very juicy, round and large, and has a pleasant aroma. Used fresh, salads and juices. Suitable for baby and diet food.

Its use, like other green tomatoes, is believed to be beneficial in preventing heart disease, tumors, increasing muscle mass, and reducing fatigue.

Ripening is extended over a long period, the bush bears fruit throughout the summer season. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The golden green tomato is grown in open and closed ground, taking into account the climatic conditions of a particular region. Its advantages also include:

  • large-fruited and excellent taste;
  • the presence of trace elements and vitamins;
  • lack of allergens;
  • good immunity, resistance to phytopathologies;
  • poor development of lateral shoots (stepsons);
  • long-term fruiting (2-3 months);
  • a peculiar color.

Cons of the variety:

  • the need for a strong garter due to the severity of the hand with fruits;
  • limited use;
  • short storage period;
  • transportation difficulties.

Variety Gold Cherokee Green is recommended to grow in 2 stems with 4-5 clusters. Seedlings are planted in the soil warmed up to +16 ºС… + 23 ºС. The soil should be fertile, with compost and mulch added. Ensure even humidity.

Have you tried growing Cherokee Green Gold tomatoes?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read also about growing tomatoes in the following article:Tomato Silver spruce: characteristics and description of the variety