How to feed currants and gooseberries in autumn

  • Dec 13, 2020
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When autumn comes, you need to feed the currants and gooseberries. Shrubs consume a lot of nutrients over the summer. Therefore, fertilization of the soil in the fall cannot be neglected.

It is useful to add mineral complexes and organics to the planting pit, which stimulate the growth and development of shrubs. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
It is useful to add mineral complexes and organics to the planting pit, which stimulate the growth and development of shrubs. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Fertilization when planting

Not everyone knows how to feed currants and gooseberries. It is useful to add mineral complexes and organics to the planting pit, which stimulate the growth and development of shrubs. It is necessary to mix the top layer of earth, removed when digging a hole, with compost. The latter must be rotten. This mixture is very beneficial for the roots of the seedlings.

There is another effective way to enrich the soil. It is worth adding to the soil half a matchbox of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

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It is useful to know the different fertilization methods in order to find the best one through experimentation. For example, you can use green fertilizers. They are often called siderates. If you sow them near currants and gooseberries, ordinary organic fertilizers are not needed. Better to plant vetch, peas or lupine. In autumn, they must be mowed and applied as mulch.

Fertilization methods:

  • Root feeding of bushes involves the distribution of funds for the projection of the crown. They are brought into small beds located 30 cm from currants or gooseberries. The ideal furrow depth is 20 cm.
  • The use of granular complexes will be more effective when embedded in the soil. Then the roots of plants will assimilate the required amount of trace elements.
Often, gardeners feed shrubs in the spring to get a rich harvest. After collecting it, they stop caring for currants and gooseberries. After all, the berries have already been picked. However, autumn fertilization is extremely important. Abundant fruiting weakens the plants noticeably. If not fertilized, they will die from the winter cold and winds.
The most preferred feed for gooseberries is superphosphate. Each bush requires 2 tbsp. l. drug. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Top dressing gooseberries in autumn

Before the first cold weather, the gooseberry branches should be cut for rejuvenation and crown formation. You also need to additionally dig up the ground to a depth of 10 cm, without touching the root system when fertilizing.

The most preferred agent is superphosphate. Each bush requires 2 tbsp. l. drug. It needs to be sealed to a depth of 7 cm within the radius of the trunk circle. The use of superphosphate helps prevent fungal diseases and withstand cold weather. In the next season, the bushes will quickly recover and bloom earlier. Proper feeding will help the bushes to use up moisture more slowly, accumulating more sugar in the berries.

Potassium fertilizer can be applied. For example, potassium sulfate - 20 g of the product will be needed per 1 m². Some summer residents fertilize shrubs with wood ash every 3 years. 1 liter can is enough.

A popular top dressing is humus. There is enough bucket for the bush. Sometimes gardeners mix humus with 40 g of potassium sulfate. This amount is enough for 8-15 kg of organic matter. Part of the humus should be embedded in the ground, and the rest should be used as mulch.

Cow and chicken droppings are considered good remedies. It should be dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:10 or 1:15. The last top dressing is best done at the end of September. Mulching the soil around the bushes will protect the roots from frost.

When fertilizing currants, one must not forget about good watering. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Fertilizing currants in autumn

Fertilize currant bushes after September 20. They especially need phosphorus and potassium. There is no need to form green mass. The main task is to stimulate root growth and plant hardiness to the whims of nature.

Chicken droppings will be an excellent top dressing. It is applied both dry and diluted - 800 g of manure is required per 1 m². For liquid feeding, it should be diluted in water in a ratio of 1:15. When fertilizing currants, one must not forget about good watering.

At the end of October, you can bring ½ a bucket of rotted manure under the bush. In September, it is worth feeding the currants with 15 g of potassium sulfate and 30 g of superphosphate per 1 m² of the trunk circle.

From folk remedies, an infusion of potato peel is suitable. It must be dried, pour 10 liters of boiling water, close tightly and put in a warm room. When the infusion has cooled, it should be watered with the grooves made around the perimeter of the bush.

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