Varieties of large thick-walled peppers for open ground and greenhouses

  • Dec 13, 2020
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The achievements of domestic and foreign breeders make it possible to choose varieties of large peppers for cultivation both in the open field and in the greenhouse. The assortment is so rich that every vegetable grower can choose the types of this crop in shape, color, size. This vegetable has excellent taste, it contains a lot of substances useful to the body. And fresh red and green peppers contain much more vitamin C than lemon.

Red pepper. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Red pepper. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Features of growing crops in the open field

Large fruits of pepper can cause admiration for their appearance even among those who do not like it in any form.

Well, for gardeners, it is also a reward for their work and love for the vegetable plant. Pepper as a culture is not particularly capricious; there are much more fastidious specimens. But still, you need to know some of the subtleties of agricultural technology and preparatory work.

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Seed selection starts. Of course, buying the variety you like does not always guarantee the desired result, but we will proceed from the fact that we were lucky with the seeds.

The culture must be selected taking into account climatic conditions, and also give preference to those varieties that give very large fruits - sweet and fleshy. Therefore, hybrid varieties are usually a priority here.

Pepper species bred specifically for soil cultivation grow well in any soil.

Moreover, breeders are just actively working in this direction: they are trying to get as many new varieties as possible, which give large yields in any conditions.

Pepper belongs to heat-loving plants, therefore, it is better to choose southern areas for beds. He loves moisture and light, loose soil, so he needs to be watered well at least once a week.

Watering the peppers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

There are varieties that are not sensitive to temperature changes and untimely watering, but hybrid species immediately respond to any deviations.

If you follow the rules of agricultural technology, you can count on a good harvest. And if we talk about giant peppers, then they reach a mass of 800 g and more. However, fruits weighing 200 g will please.

Another tip: do not hesitate to consult with more experienced growers about the intricacies of growing giant peppers.

There are also peculiarities in the cultivation of greenhouse giants. They are high yielding hybrids that will delight you with a large harvest throughout the season. But one essential condition is that they need to be grown only in a heated greenhouse.

If you have a greenhouse or an ordinary greenhouse, then it is better to opt for early ripening large-fruited varieties of sweet peppers.

The greenhouse must be provided with appropriate lighting and temperature. For the period of germination, it should be + 25 ° С - + 27 ° С. Then the temperature should be lowered to + 15 ° С, and after a few days it should be raised to stable + 22 ° С.

Peppers in the greenhouse. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

If the variety is early ripening, then after 2 months, and sometimes less, you will begin to harvest. In the greenhouse, you can from 1 sq. m to collect up to 20 kg of fruit. It is difficult to get a similar result on the beds. The weather, pests, diseases are more affected there, which reduces the yield.

But if the climatic conditions allow, then do not refuse to grow peppers in the beds in the warm season, and the rest of the time in the greenhouse.

Do you like growing peppers?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read also about feeding peppers in the following article:How to feed peppers in a greenhouse for a good harvest