Growing mushrooms in a summer cottage in the garden: tips and methods

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Growing wild mushrooms on a personal plot is not an easy task, but with a competent approach, it can be done. Mushrooms are different from other plants: they do not grow in a garden bed, they need a special habitat, and the mycelium, which is a network of branched fibers, provides food.

Mushrooms on the site. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Mushrooms on the site. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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The mycelium of many species of forest fungi cannot receive food directly from the soil or substrate, therefore it combines with the root system of trees and forms the so-called mycorrhiza. Taking into account the peculiarities of the growth of mushrooms in the forest, gardeners should organize the conditions as close as possible to wild nature.

Site selection and soil preparation

Site selection is key. The land should be moist and nutritious, and the area itself should be shaded.
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The soil in the forest is a perennial compost consisting of rotted foliage and tree trunks destroyed by insects. The optimal imitation of such a soil will be a mixture of compost, fallen leaves, straw and peat.

As for fungi growing in symbiosis with a specific tree species, the latter cannot be avoided, i.e. if there is a desire to grow boletus, this is possible only if there are birches or aspens on the site. For mushrooms and oyster mushrooms, trunks and stumps of dead trees, regardless of the breed, are suitable.

Reproduction, care, nutrition

In order to settle mushrooms on your site, you need to carefully separate a lump of earth or part of a rotted tree along with mycelium. During transport, ensure that the mycelium remains moist. For this, it is covered with leaves or cloth and, if necessary, additionally moistened.

Small depressions are dug in a previously prepared place, where the land brought from the forest is placed. Planting material is watered, covered with sod and leaves. A fragment of a tree stump or trunk can simply be placed in a shady place next to a cut tree so that the mushrooms have room to grow. Ready-made mycelium is sold in stores.

Growing mushrooms at their summer cottage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

There is another option for growing mushrooms - with the help of spores. In the wild, the process requires fermentation (passing through the digestive system of animals), when, like at home, preparation can be done as follows:

  • an overripe mushroom has plates or tubular flesh from under the cap;
  • the resulting mass is rubbed with hands and poured with water with the addition of a couple of tablespoons of sugar, powder for making kvass;
  • let stand for a certain time (at least a few days);
  • dilute the liquid with water (proportion 1: 100) and filter through a coarse sieve;
  • on a cold, cloudy day, the prepared places in the garden are poured with strained liquid (they remove the sod, spill the soil under it and put it back, then thoroughly moisten it).
Care consists in regular moistening with the condition that the ground is always moist. Periodic feeding in the form of 10 g of sugar per 10 liters of water will accelerate the survival rate and quality of the crop.

What mushrooms can be grown in the country

Theoretically, any type of mushroom can take root on a personal plot, including everyone's favorite white mushrooms, boletus, aspen mushrooms, chanterelles, honey mushrooms. Champignons, ryadovka, oyster mushrooms, shiitake can grow on their own: their spores are often brought to the bird's site.

Do you grow mushrooms in your summer cottage?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read also about when mushrooms appear after rain in the following article:How many days do mushrooms appear after rain and how quickly they grow