How to move lilies of the valley from the forest to the site

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Lily of the valley - a perennial, herbaceous, beautiful flowering plant that has spread in many regions of our country. This flower can be found in parks, mixed and deciduous forests, floodplain oak forests, glades and clearings. Under favorable conditions, lily of the valley is rapidly growing in breadth, forming large clumps of fragrant.

Cultivation of lily of the valley. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Cultivation of lily of the valley. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Optionally dig lilies in wood and plant on site - on a bed or in the garden. The main thing is to choose the right time to transplant and follow the rules of care.

Transfer rules lilies of the valley from the forest to the flower bed

The best time for transplanting to the garden of the forest lily is considered the early spring when the soil has had time to warm up, and from the ground there were small green shoots. If time is lost, and the plants have time to form flower arrows, it is better to postpone the transfer of lilies of the valley little family in the second half of the summer or autumn.

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Lily of the valley in the area. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Lily of the valley in the area. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

So that the flower is well settled down, it should be located on a site with a loose, fertile clay and sandy soil. The soil must have good moisture and air permeability, so hard or poor soil is recommended to add humus and coarse river sand. Height topsoil should be at least 15-20 cm (to a depth rooted perennial).

Best of all, if a bed of lilies of the valley will be in partial shade - not far from the tall bushes and fruit trees, which will cover the tender plant of the burning UV rays. In the sun the plant will not survive, and even if they take root, it will not bloom. With such an arrangement will not save the situation nor abundant watering, no additional mineral supplements.

Blooming lily of the valley. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Blooming lily of the valley. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Digging wild flowers need so that as little as possible to injure the lower part of the rhizome:

  • At Forest Lawn with lilies of the valley to visually identify a small square area of ​​20x20 cm.
  • Acute shovel stick into the ground and vertically zaglubit 12-15 cm.
  • Repeat manipulation on all sides scheduled portion. The last movement is necessary to pry the cut logging site and put in a box, basket or bag with a tight bottom.

Planting and Care

Excavated plants should be planted immediately after returning from the forest:

  • Prepare a hole corresponding to the shape and area Landysheva curtain, but deeper than 2-4 cm.
  • At the bottom of the wells of the seat or bed compost humus layer in height and 4 cm.
  • In the hole insert a wood lilies of the valley, taking care not to damage the integrity of earthen coma.
  • The voids between the walls of the wells and rhizomes sleep fertile soil.
  • A bed of lilies of the valley abundantly watered.
By following these simple rules lilies quickly adapt, grow stronger and in May will delight delicate, fragrant buds.

Transplanting and care of the flowers do not require special skills and special agro-technical knowledge. The plants bloom every year, enough to support a bed in a slightly damp, but not wet condition, and regularly remove weeds. However, the last paragraph should only be done in the first year after transplantation. Later it got stronger, growing rapidly Landysheva little family will not give weeds the slightest chance.

Every 2-3 years will have to thin out the Curtain: in dense plantings dramatically reduced the number of buds per spike (from 12-14 to 2-4 pieces). Wild flowers are different from the variety that tolerate extreme cold and do not need a special shelter for the winter.

original articleand many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

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