Planting garlic in autumn: Tricks rich harvest

  • Dec 24, 2019

Winter garlic is characterized by large size bulbs and cloves. It is well kept throughout the winter and the summer, almost until the next harvest. These qualities are appreciated gardeners and winter varieties more in demand in Russia than ripening summer.

Growing garlic. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing garlic. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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When it is necessary to plant

planting time depends on the depth of embedment cloves. In central Russia, Siberia, the Urals, spice plants are planted in the following terms:

  • Small sealing (3-5 cm). To planting material has not begun to sprout soon after planting, choose a period of about 2-3 weeks before the autumn frosts. This is the last decade of September or the first half of October. Depending on the season should not rely on the weather forecasts and our own experience.
  • Deep seal (15 cm). Germination with great depth is difficult, and can be planted cloves, since the end of August. It is believed that when a large burial planting material has time to give the roots, but grow to the surface and still not be able to freeze slightly. planting early spring start to grow and tolerate cold better than melkozaglublennye. To plant garlic in this way you can start to frost (mid-October).
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How to plant

Before the beginning of the landing to choose and prepare the seedbed. It is not recommended to plant garlic after the onions, tomatoes, potatoes (there is a common disease). Best predecessors - all pumpkin, cabbage, beans.

Storing garlic. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Storing garlic. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Selected seedbed dug to a bayonet shovel (20-25 cm), applied to the soil or peat humus. Also organic per 1 sq. m. necessary to add 20-30 g of superphosphate and potassium salts (sulfate, potassium monophosphate and m. p.). Instead of granular fertilizer is sometimes used and wood ash (1 cup 1 sq. m.).

A bed should not be raised above the general level portion to garlic podmerz at its edges.

Planting garlic in the fall, following simple rules:

  • Before planting, you need to disassemble the head on the individual teeth (it is recommended to choose the largest, then the harvest will be better). Leathery scales covering each clove, are not removed, but the shell easier to exfoliate bulbs. The prepared material is etched in a potassium permanganate solution or ash within 30-40 minutes.
  • If the autumn is dry, and the soil at a depth becomes stiff and dry, ridge better to pour up to 1 day before planting garlic. The amount of water should be such that it has penetrated to a depth of 10-15 cm (at least 20 liters per 1 sq. m).
  • With deep planting will have to make a pre-groove depth of 10 cm. The distance between the rows should be about 20 cm. At the bottom of the furrows begin to plant prepared teeth, slightly pushing them into the ground (the upper part must hide in the ground). If you have selected a fine way grooves do not, and planting material is pushed by hand to a depth of 3-5 cm. The distance between the teeth in a row is 10-15 cm.
  • Protect from frost planting in winter and the sudden warming in the fall will help the layer of mulch material. Use a straw or hay chaff, sawdust and shavings, peat, or even the remains of weeds and foliage garden plants (except Solanaceae). Loose covering material necessary to pour a layer of about 20 cm on the entire surface planted with. In early spring the mulch must be removed, so that the soil warmed up faster and garlic made it easier to light.

To the cultivation of winter garlic was successful, you need to choose the right plant material:

  • in winter crops in the center of the bulb goes hard thick stem - the rest of the flower arrows;
  • teeth located around the stem 1 in a row, large;
  • the number of cloves in a bulb is 4-10 pc.

Best domestic varieties: Moscow Region, Sail, Lyubasha, Gribovsky anniversary and so on.

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And when you are planting garlic?
In the autumn
I do not put garlic

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