How to prepare a greenhouse for winter: useful tips for summer residents

  • Dec 13, 2020
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With the arrival of autumn, it is necessary to carefully prepare the greenhouse for the winter cold and the spring planting of various garden crops. This will require a large range of harvesting, agricultural and construction work aimed at improving the condition of the greenhouse, both inside and outside.

Disinfection of the greenhouse. Illustration for the article is taken from open sources
Disinfection of the greenhouse. Illustration for the article is taken from open sources

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Autumn cleaning and preparation for wintering

We prepare the greenhouse for winter, starting with cleaning the soil from the remaining stems and leaves so that they do not become a source of reproduction of various pathogenic bacteria and fungi. For example, late blight is not afraid of winter cold, the fungus can easily survive low temperatures in tomato tops. Therefore, all collected plants must be burned.

Greenhouse disinfection process under plastic wrap

At the end of autumn, the plastic wrap should be removed from the greenhouse. it may break and have to be replaced with a new one. Then it must be thoroughly washed with soapy water on both sides and treated with any antiseptic. Then dry, fold and put in a pantry or closet until next spring.

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Glass Greenhouse Disinfection

Glass structures also need antibacterial treatment. Glasses should be well washed with special detergents, not only inside, but also outside, so that in spring the sun's rays can freely penetrate into the greenhouse. The most polluted areas of the structure can be doused with a powerful jet from a garden hose. A weak solution of potassium permanganate is used to treat all elements of the greenhouse. Broken or cracked glass should be replaced and cracks in wooden frames should be blown out with construction foam, silicone or putty.

Polycarbonate greenhouse disinfection process

The walls of such a greenhouse are best washed with water and detergent or soda. You can take 259 g of formalin 40% or 400 g of fluff, dilute with 10 liters of water and use to process the structure. Polycarbonate should be washed only with soft washcloths or rags, because coarse brushes can damage it, as a result of which in spring and summer it will not allow sunlight to pass through well. Wooden elements should be treated with an antiseptic to prevent the appearance of mosses. The metal supports can simply be washed with soapy water.

There is no need to remove glass or polycarbonate from greenhouses, but in winter you should throw 20-30 cm inside the room loose snow so that the earth does not freeze to a great depth, and in the spring it is saturated with the necessary amount moisture.
We prepare the greenhouse for winter, starting with cleaning the soil from the remaining stems and leaves so that they do not become a source of reproduction of various pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Illustration for the article is taken from open sources
We prepare the greenhouse for winter, starting with cleaning the soil from the remaining stems and leaves so that they do not become a source of reproduction of various pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Illustration for the article is taken from open sources

Soil disinfection process

To prepare the soil, it is necessary to carry out a number of different agricultural works:

  • Dig up soil to kill pests, fungal spores, and disease-causing bacteria. You should dig on 1 bayonet of a shovel so that large lumps of earth can freeze well.
  • Warm up the soil by pouring boiling water over it and covering it with plastic wrap. This is necessary in order for the remaining harmful microorganisms to die.
  • Fumigate with smoke bombs in order to kill ticks, fungal spores and other bacteria that live not only in the ground, but also on the elements of the greenhouse. The number of burnt blocks depends on its size: for 1 m³ of the building area, from 50 to 80 g of sulfur is needed.
  • Add dolomite composition or fluff for disinfection into the soil. These substances not only disinfect the soil, but also fill it with potassium and magnesium, which are necessary for the intensive growth of various garden crops.
  • Remove the top layer of soil (about 5-10 cm) and put 15-20 cm of new fertile soil in its place.
In winter, it is necessary to regularly clean the roof of the greenhouse from snow, because under its heavy weight, it can sag and collapse. Illustration for the article is taken from open sources
In winter, it is necessary to regularly clean the roof of the greenhouse from snow, because under its heavy weight, it can sag and collapse. Illustration for the article is taken from open sources

Strengthening and repair of the structure

Even if the supports seem to be reliable, it is necessary to once again check the strength of the entire structure and carry out repairs so that heavy snowfalls do not destroy the entire structure.

It is best to reinforce the roof with wooden or metal beams. For 6 m of the length of the greenhouse, 3-4 props will be required. In winter, it is necessary to regularly clean the roof of the greenhouse from snow, because under its heavy weight, it can sag and collapse. A properly conducted preparation process will allow you to plant various garden crops every spring and get a good harvest.

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