What if the soil in the greenhouse turns green or is covered with moss?

  • Dec 13, 2020
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The color of the soil reflects its condition and composition. However, the appearance of green on the surface of the soil has nothing to do with its quality. This means that algae and mosses begin to multiply rapidly. People are frightened by the suddenly green earth, believing that it is infected with pathogenic organisms. The mosses and algae themselves are not dangerous for cultivated plants, but there are still grounds for concern in such a situation.

The main reasons for the growth of algae, mosses and lichens are poor ventilation, excessive watering and soil compaction. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
The main reasons for the growth of algae, mosses and lichens are poor ventilation, excessive watering and soil compaction. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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Why does the color of the soil change

Algae and moss spores are found in almost any soil. However, they are activated only when conditions are favorable for them. These include:

  • prolonged waterlogging of the earth;
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  • constantly humid air in the ground layers;
  • poor drainage;
  • overdose of mineral fertilizers, especially phosphorus.

These reasons are the result of the creation of an incorrect humidity and temperature regime. The fact is that algae, mosses and lichens can quickly spread only over the surface of the earth. In nature, this happens due to frequent rains and fogs, as well as due to the appearance of a layer that can accumulate moisture. This layer includes poorly rotting dead organic matter, peat, etc. The presence of a waterproofing layer located close to the earth's surface is also of great importance. This function can be performed by:

  • clay;
  • permafrost (perennial or temporary);
  • overconsolidated soil layer.

With regard to the conditions of a greenhouse, greening of the soil surface may mean that an incorrect temperature and moisture regime has been created in a closed room.

The main reasons for the growth of algae, mosses and lichens are poor ventilation, excessive watering and soil compaction. Due to the fact that water cannot go into the depths, but is concentrated in the upper layers, waterlogging processes develop.

Poor ventilation and stable temperature conditions (not necessarily high temperatures) allow algae and mosses to concentrate on the surface.

If possible, the greenhouse should be ventilated and dried. At the same time, you should loosen the ground. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
If possible, the greenhouse should be ventilated and dried. At the same time, you should loosen the ground. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

What to do

If the color of the soil in the greenhouse has changed, the soil has turned green, this does not mean that something is threatening the grown plants. Algae and mosses themselves are not capable of harming other plants. However, they are an indicator of a change in the state of the environment. Greening can mean that the pH has changed in the direction of the predominance of hydrogen ions. This indicates that the soil has become acidic. In addition, after algae and mosses, lichens, fungi and bacteria can increase their numbers, which can pose a threat to cultivated plants.

There are 2 ways to solve the problem:

  • changes in soil condition;
  • the use of chemicals that destroy unwanted greens.

If possible, the greenhouse should be ventilated and dried. At the same time, you should loosen the ground. It is best to do this with a deep (at least 20 cm) digging. At the same time, rotted manure and dead organic matter in the form of dry leaves, grass, straw, sawdust must be added.

Manure and plant residues create and maintain a loose soil structure for a long time, which reduces the effect of stagnant waterlogging. If there is a waterproofing layer at a depth of 50-20 cm, it is recommended to create a layer of dry leaves, grass or sawdust between it and the soil. It will act as a sponge. Thanks to it, moisture will be concentrated in depth, and not on the surface of the soil.

After loosening the beds, plant them with fast growing plants, shallow root systems and large leaves. They will consume a lot of water, dry out the topsoil, and shade the surface of the soil.

The chemical method of dealing with unwanted greens should be used as a last resort. For this, the soil is treated with Bordeaux liquid, which is a mixture of copper sulfate and slaked lime. The ingredients are dissolved in equal proportions. The surface of the ground in the greenhouse is sprayed at the rate of 1 g per 1 sq. m.

You should not be afraid of the appearance of a green bloom. It is just an indicator of soil and air condition. With the right and timely actions, you can easily restore the former well-being of the land and cultivated plants.

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