How to tie cucumbers in the garden - tips and ideas

  • Dec 13, 2020
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There are several ways to fix cucumbers and other climbing crops in open field, greenhouses and greenhouses. They use these methods to provide easy plant care, moderate density, easy access to crops and protection from various diseases.

There are several ways to fix cucumbers and other climbing crops in open field, greenhouses and greenhouses. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
There are several ways to fix cucumbers and other climbing crops in open field, greenhouses and greenhouses. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Why tie up plants in greenhouses

To ensure good yields, they try to grow vegetables in greenhouses. This helps the fruit ripen 25-30 days earlier than outdoors. In such a room, the humidity and air temperature rise significantly. This creates ideal conditions for the vital activity of harmful organisms, leading to rotting of leaves and fruits, as well as the spread of fungal diseases. To prevent this process, farmers in greenhouses anchor the plants.

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Wooden frames or metal pipes 1.5 m high are used as supports, on which the mesh is securely fixed. Without the use of garters, the yield of cucumbers in one season can be 5-7 kg / m², and by forming bushes, the fruit is 9-12 kg / m².

In the greenhouse, it is very important to constantly ventilate the room. Stagnant moisture has a detrimental effect on the development of vegetable crops, and also significantly reduces the yield of cucumbers. Plants are tied up when they reach a length of 30 cm, and when 3-5 large leaves have formed.

Benefits of tying:

  • Saves space in the garden.
  • Creates convenient conditions for loosening the ground and processing vegetables.
  • It makes it possible to irrigate directly the roots of plants (without wetting the leaves), reducing the likelihood of infection of the bush with fungal diseases.
  • Provides convenience for harvesting and forming lateral stems, carrying out preventive and therapeutic actions (spraying bushes, etc.).
  • Cucumbers get more sunlight.
  • The garter helps to pollinate more efficiently and increase yields.
Currently, there are many useful tools available in specialized stores for tying various crops, including cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Tying methods

There are several simple and effective ways to tie cucumbers in your garden. When choosing a method, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the land, the parameters of the greenhouse itself and other factors.

Horizontal method

The horizontal garter is the most popular among gardeners. With this method, 4 supports are prepared (plastic, metal or wooden columns can be used), which are placed in the corners of the garden bed. Several rows of ropes or steel wires are stretched along the perimeter between the columns with an interval of 25-30 cm. This will allow the tendrils of the plant to wrap around the ropes to form a bush. The wire should be at a distance of 30 cm from the ground, with the same spacing between the wire strips.

As a result of plant growth, the stems and tendrils curl along the horizontal grid. This method can be used both outdoors and in greenhouses and greenhouses. However, this method makes it difficult to care for vegetables (watering, loosening, pest control, harvesting). To facilitate the care of the garden bed, fill it with mulch: leaves, mown grass, humus, sawdust. Mulching will not only prevent weed growth, but also moisture evaporation.

The vertical garter is most often used in greenhouses. This method allows more sunlight to penetrate the bushes and improve yields. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Currently, for tying various crops, including cucumbers, in specialized stores offer many useful tools: plant clips, stem holders, nets and many others dr.

Vertical tying

In the vertical method, cucumber stalks are tied at the base, and the other end of the rope is fixed on the upper crossbar of the structure. The width of the tape should be from 3 to 5 cm, and the length should be at least 25 cm. In the process of growth, cucumbers twine around the cords with antennae. The top bar can be made of wood materials or steel wire.

When the plant grows and reaches the top of the structure, the stems are clamped to prevent further growth, or they are gently pulled over the bar and directed back down. Thus, plant length and load are constantly adjusted. The vertical garter is most often used in greenhouses. This method allows more sunlight to penetrate the bushes and improve yields.

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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