Preparing a bathhouse for winter: what to do with the building if you leave before spring

  • Dec 13, 2020

Country baths are used in most cases in the summer, and at other times of the year they are closed. Therefore, we are preparing the bathhouse for the winter correctly, so as not to lose consciousness from new tenants, broken pipes and other problems.

The bath for the winter must be prepared correctly. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
The bath for the winter must be prepared correctly. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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To avoid the breakdown of heating, pipes and plumbing in winter frosts, you should approach the preparation of a bath room for the winter period much more seriously and more responsible than at home.


It is important to thoroughly clean the room: knock out and dry rugs, bedding and other woven products. Wash the shelves, bench, floor, ceiling and every wall with soapy water and hot water. It is best to use a brush or a stiff terry cloth for this purpose. Clean up dust, soapy layers and soot. Dry thoroughly.

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It is necessary to treat the entire fresh wooden surface with some kind of antiseptic for baths. Such a product is absorbed into the wood and protects it from the damaging effects of mold and various beetles.

You can find a remedy in hardware stores. Choose a product from a trusted manufacturer.

Buck and gang

Clean and wash all buckets, ladles, buckets and basins. If the dirt is heavy, you need to use a special detergent. Don't forget about rust and sediment in the hot water tank. Remember to dry it after draining the liquid.


Clean ash from the blower and furnace, remove soot and debris from the chimney. Ash can be used as fertilizer in the garden and vegetable garden. Scatter it over the beds and under shrubs and trees. Do not close the valve, as it may freeze.

The stones need to be sorted out and washed. To do this, you need to soak them for a couple of hours in clean water and then wash them.

To avoid the breakdown of heating, pipes and plumbing in winter frosts, you should approach the preparation of the bath room for the winter period very responsibly. Illustration for the article is taken from open sources
To avoid the breakdown of heating, pipes and plumbing in winter frosts, you should approach the preparation of the bath room for the winter period very responsibly. Illustration for the article is taken from open sources


We drain the water and check the water supply system. Open all taps so that the water, expanding when freezing, breaks them or the tank. Purge the system for better dehumidification.

Check the drain pipe for sewerage and insulate if necessary if it is not deep from the ground. If there is a septic tank, it must be drained by 3/4 of its volume, and then covered. The pump is also freed from water and stored.

Electricity and roofing

We must not forget about the electrical wiring. It is important to repair it if there is a malfunction, otherwise a fire may occur due to a short circuit. All devices must be turned off and the building must be de-energized.

The roof and drains of the bath must be carefully examined and all gaps must be removed so that rain water and snow do not get inside.

The windows are also afraid of moisture. Therefore, it is best to protect them with shutters, but if this is not possible, polyethylene is also suitable, which is pulled along the perimeter of the window frame and fixed either with wooden slats or with a construction stapler.

Pest control

Mice and rats can often visit the bathhouse while there are no owners. Rodents are attracted to soap and candles, which are best removed before leaving. You can arrange mousetraps and poison, but in the spring such a reprisal will make itself felt with an unpleasant odor, the source of which will be difficult to find.

A more progressive method is the processing of the room with a sulfur checker. It will relieve not only rodents, but also various insects and bacteria that can harm the tree.

If you choose this method, it is important to follow all the rules and precautions: they process the bath for about a day and a half, then ventilate it for 48 hours. You cannot go inside during this time.

The roof and drains of the bath must be carefully examined and all gaps must be removed so that rain water and snow do not get inside. Illustration for the article is taken from open sources
The roof and drains of the bath must be carefully examined and all gaps must be removed so that rain water and snow do not get inside. Illustration for the article is taken from open sources


A bath without a broom is not a bath. Therefore, this item must be kept intact. In order to find brooms in good condition upon arrival at the dacha, they must be stored in a dry, ventilated place away from sources of high temperatures.

You can wrap the brooms in paper or plastic, stack them in a row or checkerboard, and then cover them with straw or hay. Everyone chooses the storage method himself, the main thing is to preserve all the healing properties and aroma of the most important bath attribute.

If everything is done correctly, the bathhouse will calmly survive the cold season and will gladly welcome the owners in the spring.

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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