Why do special forces soldiers eat herring before long transitions

  • Dec 13, 2020
Why do special forces soldiers eat herring before long transitions
Why do special forces soldiers eat herring before long transitions

Meals in special forces units are not organized in the same way as in a regular army unit. Depending on the location and situation, special forces soldiers can significantly change their diet. There is no uniformity in this matter. In preparation for the operation, many special forces soldiers completely independently select a diet for themselves. Salted herring is especially popular. There are other specific products in the menu of domestic "Rambo", and we will talk about them.

1. Salted herring

A very strange diet. | Photo: yandex.by.
A very strange diet. | Photo: yandex.by.

Eating a lot of salted herring is a very effective, but at the same time, radical way to protect your body from dehydration. It is for this reason that spetsnaz soldiers eat salted herring before distant transitions. Increasing the amount of fat in the blood and stomach slows down the release of water significantly. However, this method of protection against dehydration has two disadvantages. First, it is not good for your health. Secondly, you definitely cannot call it pleasant.

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2. Gelatin and marmalade

It helps in unexpected ways. | Photo: m.nn.ru.

Since the days of the Soviet army, gelatin and marmalade have been widely used in special forces as a "fixing" agent. If you consume the above products in excess, then after such a feast you will not want to use the toilet for a very long time. The process, again, is completely unhelpful for human health. However, during transitions and operations, the lack of desire to leave at the call of nature is worth a lot.

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3. Ant puree

Poor ants. | Photo: multiurok.ru.

Everyone knows that special forces are taught to eat all kinds of nasty things in the wild. One of the more eloquent examples of such a diet is, of course, ant mashed potatoes. Zhmenya of dead, ground ants looks not at all appetizing and tastes completely disgusting. However, this "puree" has excellent tonic properties. In addition, ants are very high in protein.

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4. Sweet

The sweet helps a lot. ¦ Photo: yandex.ru.

Finally, spetsnaz soldiers regularly eat sweets during their long outings. In practice, it can be anything from chocolate and hard candy to regular sugar cubes. However, most often the commandos buy for themselves in large quantities the usual sweet bars. They are also very popular because they contribute to the fast saturation queue.

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