Cannon fat: why it can be used in a car

  • Dec 14, 2020
Cannon fat: why it can be used in a car
Cannon fat: why it can be used in a car

Today, only the most experienced motorists remember what cannon fat is and why it is used in a car. There was a time when this substance was almost vital. However, in our time, cannon fat can significantly extend the life of metal parts.

This is what lard looks like. | Photo:
This is what lard looks like. | Photo:

Cannon fat appeared in the first half of the 20th century. This material is a petroleum oil to which ceresin and petrolatum have been added. As a result, cannon fat has anti-corrosion and preservation properties. The oddly named ingredient was originally intended solely for military use. With its help, first of all, artillery was serviced, as well as some other equipment. In its normal state, the material really resembles lard, only brown. For this, the oil got its name.

Great stuff. | Photo:

Decades passed and cannon fat became an incredibly popular material in the civilian market, primarily in the automobile market. Cannon fat was also in great demand among Soviet motorists, who preferred to use it for protection against corrosion, rather than more advanced market means. First of all, the bottom of the car is treated with it.

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It looks like this after application. | Photo:

Why did this happen? This is because if you compare cannon fat with mastic or Movil, it will very quickly become clear that it has a number of important advantages. Unlike mastic, cannon fat is not covered with cracks and does not allow corrosion to develop directly under the "protective" layer.

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First you need to mix. ¦ Photo:

Applying pushsal does not require any special skills, and most importantly, it is not as expensive as most other means. Finally, the "fat" stays on the surface for a long time, on which it is applied - 2-3 years. The only drawback of the material is its fragility in certain conditions. The material melts (takes on a liquid form) at +60 degrees. Therefore, the air temperature should be within the framework of -50 / + 50 Celsius.

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