Fragrance from the past: why the most famous Soviet cologne is called "Triple"

  • Dec 14, 2020
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Fragrance from the past: why the most famous Soviet cologne is called "Triple"
Fragrance from the past: why the most famous Soviet cologne is called "Triple"

"Alain Delon does not drink cologne" - this line from the song of a Soviet rock group perfectly characterizes the attitude of citizens of a large country to this famous eau de toilette. Perhaps everyone at least once in his life has heard the smell of that very "Triple" cologne, which cannot be confused with any other. And despite the fact that many people today associate this perfume more with dented drunkards citizens who did not have enough money for alcohol, it still remains a vivid reminder of the Soviet past.

It is interesting that Napoleon Bonaparte himself contributed to the appearance of cologne in Russia. Initially, what we now think of as eau de toilette was a drug that cured literally all diseases, from stomach cramps to postpartum fever. However, the cologne did not last long on the shelves of pharmacies: Bonaparte ordered to officially disclose the recipes for all medications. And since the authors did not want to declassify the recipe, the former panacea was promptly called "perfume".

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According to legend, we owe the appearance of cologne to Napoleon. / Photo:
According to legend, we owe the appearance of cologne to Napoleon. / Photo:

According to legend, Napoleon himself really liked the smell of cologne, and he contributed to its popularization among the soldiers of his army. It was Bonaparte's troops during the Patriotic War of 1812 that brought this toilet water, and its production by one French perfumer later began to be considered the beginning of perfumery schools of Russia.

Napoleon was given his due by the manufacturers of cologne. / Photo:

Another urban legend about cologne connects him with another famous figure - Joseph Stalin. As you know, the Soviet leader had problems with his skin, she was quite sensitive to drugs for external use. But the cologne was just that almost the only remedy that he did not irritate.

Interesting fact: many skeptics question the veracity of this story, because already in those days "Triple" was considered a national treasure; those who were richer preferred another brand - "Chypre". But perhaps Stalin was simply not satisfied with the components of the latter.
The triple could well have been used by Stalin personally. / Photo:

The emergence of such an unusual name for cologne is also interesting. As it turned out, it bears its own special meaning: under "Triple" means that the proportions of oils in it differ from the usual just three times: if a standard cologne usually contains no more than five percent oils, then in "Triple" there are 15 percent.

The triple cologne was very popular. / Photo:

In the USSR, "Triple" cologne was very popular. Moreover, the scope of its application among savvy Soviet citizens was much wider than its manufacturers intended. Cologne was used in the treatment of flu or other lung diseases, when the legendary "cans" were used. Also, "Triple" was used as fuel, because he did not smoke. Of course, the most famous non-trivial use of cologne is its ingestion by alcohol lovers who did not have the money to go to the liquor department of the store. Indeed, "Triple" can be considered an alcoholic "drink", because it contained about 64% alcohol. However, it is actually extremely dangerous to use it, because cologne contains oils, and they are definitely not edible.

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The famous perfume of Soviet citizens can be found today. / Photo:

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