Why do some motorists think of putting tennis balls into springs?

  • Dec 14, 2020
Why do some motorists come up with the idea of ​​inserting tennis balls into springs.
Why do some motorists come up with the idea of ​​inserting tennis balls into springs.

Car tuning is a rather complicated thing. Most often, such things are done by specialists. However, there are also "popular" options for modernizing cars. For example, some artisans insert tennis balls into wheel springs. The first time you see this, it becomes terribly interesting why even do something like this with your car.

The springs wear out. | Photo: express-china.ru.
The springs wear out. | Photo: express-china.ru.

Motorists insert tennis balls into springs for a specific purpose. The thing is that over time (as you might guess) the car loses some of its performance. For example, the ability to transport significant loads is disrupted. This happens precisely because the springs in the car are weakened. Many people solve this problem simply by routine repairs - they buy new ones and go to a car service for replacement.

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To wear out less. | Photo: drive2.ru.

However, there is another category of motorists who solve this problem with "folk" methods. For this, tennis balls are pushed into the springs. Some other things are placed there for the same purpose, but balls are the most popular and widespread option.

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People's tuning. ¦ Photo: skoda-rapid.ru.

What's more, some drivers shove balls into suspension springs before they start to fail. Most often this is done by those who drive on not the best roads. Placing the balls increases the stiffness of the spring, causing it to compress less under load. On the one hand, the ride becomes not as comfortable as it used to be, and on the other hand, it prevents the suspension from wearing out too quickly.

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