What owner would refuse a beautiful flower bed in his summer cottage? Some citizens even decide to plant something exotic. The most important thing in this business is not to fly away to the "creative Valhalla", because planting the wrong flowers can end very badly both for the site itself and for its owners. Let's look at a few beautiful plants that definitely should not be "settled" in your flower bed.
1. Lily of the valley
Let the lovely, gentle, pleasant-looking white flowers and the heady scent of lilies of the valley not deceive the owner. This plant is very dangerous to humans. The fact is that the stems, berries and flowers of lilies of the valley are toxic to humans. They are doubly dangerous for children. Once in the body, the lily of the valley toxin provokes intoxication, which leads to diarrhea, nausea and a change in the rhythm of the heartbeat.
2. Galanthus
This flower is much better known in the domestic open spaces as an ordinary snowdrop. Trying to plant it on your site is not worth it for the same reason as lily of the valley. The plant is quite toxic. It can provoke a variety of kidney problems, although most often people get off with diarrhea and vomiting.
3. Buttercup
Both lily of the valley and galanthus can harm a person only if they are eaten. But with a buttercup, everything is much more complicated. People call these flowers "night blindness". This plant is capable of causing harm to health already with only one surface contact. The plant is deadly to pets. On contact with the mucous membrane, it provokes a severe burn.
4. Elder
Elderberry is different. The main difference is in the color of the berries. They differ not only in their taste, but also in the presence of harmful qualities. Black elderberry is generally harmless to humans, which cannot be said about red. The latter provokes severe diarrhea.
5. Aconite
A plant with a wonderful color! True, do not forget that the juice of this culture is very poisonous. In case of contact with the skin in a small amount, it provokes irritation and burns. When it enters the body, including through an open wound, aconite can cause damage to the central nervous system and paralysis of the whole body.
6. Digitalis
Don't be fooled by these cute little flowers. In fact, foxglove is extremely dangerous. Planting it on the site of the house is strictly prohibited. This is because the substances contained in the flower are capable of provoking cardiac arrest. The plant is dangerous for both humans and animals.
7. Castor oil plant
Including from this plant people get castor oil. However, until a competent thermal treatment is carried out, castor oil plant is extremely dangerous. As you might have guessed, the plant is poisonous. Once inside the human body, the substances contained in the flower disrupt the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
8. Common wolfberry
The people call this plant simply: "wolf's bast". The name is appropriate. The plant is extremely toxic to humans and most animals. And berries, and even wolfberry pollen can cause death. Even small doses of wolfberry juice provoke severe migraines and vomiting.
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9. Belladonna
Another poisonous plant that has no place in the summer cottage. Chemicals contained in belladonna can provoke shortness of breath, hallucinations, convulsions and tachycardia. On contact with a child's body, belladonna can even be fatal.
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10. Colchicum
It is quite difficult to walk past a blooming columbus, it is so beautiful. However, along with this, the plant is also very poisonous. Approximately 6 seeds will be enough to provoke the strongest poisoning with serious consequences. Often, colchicum, upon contact with the human body, is fatal.
If you want to know even more useful things, then you should take a look at 9 ideas to make your fence a business owner's card.
A source: https://novate.ru/blogs/080320/53703/