5 common mistakes drivers make when overtaking a truck

  • Dec 14, 2020
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5 common mistakes drivers make when overtaking a truck
5 common mistakes drivers make when overtaking a truck

Any overtaking on the road is an important and responsible business, requiring a high level of care and adherence to traffic rules in the smallest detail. At the same time, many drivers make a number of mistakes when trying to overtake a truck with a road train in front.

1. Snuggle up to the wagon

No need to huddle. / Photo: youtube.com.
No need to huddle. / Photo: youtube.com.

The first, the main, the most common and at the same time one of the most terrible mistakes. There is a large category of drivers who huddle up to the truck before overtaking. Doing so is definitely not worth it, since such a convergence radically reduces the review. Accordingly, without a good view, the driver can jump out straight towards the car in progress.

2. Don't look around

It is useful to look around. / Photo: imgur.com.

The fact that everything is clear in front does not mean at all that you can take it like this and easily make a maneuver. A number of motorists forget to see how things are going around. It may so happen that right at this moment the car going behind you has already started to overtake. Therefore, before performing the maneuver, you need to make sure that everything is clean from the back and side.

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3. Too long overtaking

You need to realistically assess your abilities. / Photo: drive2.ru.

You should never try to overtake a long line of cars. Most likely, an attempt to bypass the entire stream will end extremely sadly. Sooner or later, a car will go in the oncoming lane, and in this case there will be (most likely) nowhere to go.

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4. Reassessing your capabilities

Overtaking is a responsible business. / Photo: yandex.ru.

This error largely correlates with the one described above. You should not try to overtake there and then, when there is no complete confidence that the car will be able to cope with the intended maneuver in a short period of time. First of all, this concerns the owners of not very productive cars, who will not be able to demonstrate miracles of speed, even by drowning the pedal to the floor.

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5. Turn in the wrong direction

Not as easy as it sounds. / Photo: svit.me.

Suppose that everything did not go according to plan, the overtaking cannot be completed, and a car rushes to the meeting. What to do in such a situation? The most wrong decision would be to try to pull over to the oncoming shoulder, since that is where the car going to the meeting will also turn off. The best thing to do is to perform emergency braking and try to get back into your stream.

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