Why wolves are so afraid of red flags in the forest

  • Dec 14, 2020
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Why wolves are so afraid of red flags in the forest
Why wolves are so afraid of red flags in the forest

Perhaps everyone has heard that wolves are terrified of red flags. That is why they are widely used when hunting for "grays". At the same time, few people know and fully understand why the fierce forest robber is afraid of such trifling thing, driving yourself into a hopeless position and thus becoming an easy prey for those sitting in ambush hunters.

The wolf is a very careful beast. | Photo: yandex.by.
The wolf is a very careful beast. | Photo: yandex.by.
"There is a wolf hunt, a hunt,
On gray hardened predators and puppies,
Beaters scream, and dogs bark until they vomit,
There is blood in the snow and spots of red flags. "

The famous song of Vladimir Semenovich, of course, is an allegorical work-parables and ultimately tells not about wolves at all. Nevertheless, the fact that the poet chose to create the allegory precisely the feature of wolf behavior makes it even more dramatic and interesting. In fact, everything is far from what many of us used to think, and the color of the flags plays the last role in the whole history.

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Wolves are dangerous beasts. | Photo: slickpic.com.

However, it's worth starting with the fact that most people misunderstand wolves in general. In fact, these animals show "miracles" of ferocity only in the most hungry periods or in some very exceptional cases, for example, to protect offspring and territory. When it comes to a collision with a person, the wolf prefers to retire and not come into contact. A hungry pack of wolves can easily deal with even a group of people, but despite this, in a more or less satisfying time, wolves still perceive a person as a source of great danger. By their nature, wolves are very wary animals.

Wolves avoid humans whenever possible. | Photo: yandex.ru.

Nevertheless, when the population of predators grows, a situation may arise that the local food supply is no longer sufficient for the survival of the flock. In the event of a threat of hunger, wolves turn into pests and begin to penetrate human farms, destroying domestic animals for food: from dogs, chickens and cats to cattle. All this causes very specific harm to the economy, and local huntsmen organize shooting in order to reduce the population.

The wolf perceives a person as a danger. | Photo: 1zoom.ru.

Since hunger comes most often in winter, then the shooting of "forest robbers" is carried out at this time. It is very difficult to track down and thin out (or even completely destroy) a flock. To begin with, you need to drive her into an ambush site, where hunters and hunters will await the predators. For this, specially trained dogs and ribbons with flags are used, which are placed on wolf tracks. The essence of the hunting process is to drive the wolves from the trail into the corridor from the flags, which will lead them into an ambush. And this is where the fun begins.

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Unfortunately, they have to be shot. | Photo: 1zoom.ru.

Wolves do not react to color at all, but to the shape of the flags and the smell emanating from them. The over-caution of this cunning and ruthless predator plays a cruel joke with him during the raid. The checkbox smells like a man, moreover, it is clearly an alien subject for the forest. By their nature, wolves try to bypass everything that, in their opinion, is not of natural origin. At the same time, the red color is needed not to scare away animals, but for the hunters themselves - so they see exactly where the seed corridor passes.

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Such a job. ¦Photo: 123ru.net.

Interestingly, most of the other animals in the forest (apparently) do not pay attention to the flags at all. Although in general, wild beasts are afraid of everything that they usually do not face. For example, a bear colliding with a person can be frightened by the usual cry and clink of metal. Of course, there are exceptions. Rarely, but still it happens that during a raid, individual wolves or even a whole flock breaks through the corridor of the flags and runs away into the forest.

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