Why do you need to enhance the recoil of weapons, and in what situations it is used

  • Dec 14, 2020
Why do you need to enhance the recoil of weapons, and in what situations it is used
Why do you need to enhance the recoil of weapons, and in what situations it is used

Recoil compensator, flame extinguisher, silencer - there is a huge number of muzzle devices for weapons that must perform one or another positive function. At the same time, not even every weapon lover is aware of the fact that there are also weapon recoil amplifiers. Why they are needed and in what situations they are used - this will be discussed now.

Used to enhance recoil. | Photo: bevfitchett.us.
Used to enhance recoil. | Photo: bevfitchett.us.

The muzzle brake is a special device used in firearms to reduce recoil. However, there is also its opposite - a muzzle accelerator. The device is less common and often (due to its external similarity) easily confused with other similar accessories. And here many will ask: why in general it may be necessary to increase the recoil of firearms if this phenomenon is extremely negative?

Used with a weak cartridge. | Photo: reibert.info.

That's how it is, but not quite. Most often, a muzzle booster has to be used in systems with a moving barrel to increase the reliability of the rollback process. In simple terms, this is a "crutch" for a frankly weak cartridge, which ceases to provide stable operation of automatic equipment in the weapon. However, much more often the remote control functions are performed by the system for removing the liner using powder gases.

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Most often used in machine guns. | Photo: yandex.by.

As a rule, a muzzle booster consists of two parts: an expanding "cup" and a perforated tube for the barrel caliber. At the moment the bullet passes through the device, the powder gases are temporarily blocked, which in subsequently contributes to their more rapid advancement, due to the constant increase in pressure in device.

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Also today. | Photo: allzip.org.

The muzzle booster can be seen on the Maxim machine gun, on the MG42 machine gun, as well as its modifications chambered for NATO 7.62x51 - Rheinmetall MG3. In addition, there were Berdan rifles and Mosin rifles equipped with a muzzle accelerator. Remote control is also found on some pistols, as a rule, of modern models.

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