Why IL-96 is not used for passenger transportation, if even the president flies on it

  • Dec 14, 2020
Why IL-96 is not used for passenger transportation, if even the president flies on it
Why IL-96 is not used for passenger transportation, if even the president flies on it

As you know, the President of Russia uses a Russian-made aircraft for flights, namely the Il-96-300. The famous car that was made at the end of the existence of the Soviet Union. At one time, the Il-96 became the first domestic long-haul wide-body aircraft. From all this, a natural question arises: why the machine has not become widespread in civil aviation in modern Russia?

The plane appeared at a very difficult time. | Photo: yandex.ru.
The plane appeared at a very difficult time. | Photo: yandex.ru.

The famous Il-96 was created in 1988 and put into operation only in 1993. Given the fact that the development and implementation of the aircraft fell on the actual collapse of the Soviet Union and the subsequent "dashing 90s", then with its production and development of the series there were "certain Problems". For all the time, only 30 such aircraft were created. At the same time, already in the 1990s, foreign airlines and foreign-made aircraft poured into the domestic market, all the same Boeing 777, the operation of which began in 1994. In terms of a combination of factors, the domestic car simply could not compete with foreign products.

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President's board. | Photo: regnum.ru.

If we compare the Il-96-300 with the already mentioned Boeing 777, it turns out that the latter flies farther, uses more powerful engines and naturally takes more passengers on board, which in general makes the foreign model for passenger carriers more preferred. Domestic 96th flies 9 thousand km and takes on board from 300 to 425 people. The foreign 777, depending on the modification, flies 9.1-17.5 thousand km and takes on board from 305 to 550 passengers.

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In general, the car is not bad. | Photo: yandex.ru.

On the one hand, the difference between the machines is not that big, but under conditions of almost destruction the Soviet aviation industry to improve and massively produce domestic aircraft was enough complicated. The consequences of the collapse of the USSR (including the period of "Perestroika") will have a negative impact on the domestic industry for a long time to come.

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Not suitable for mass use yet. ¦ Photo: livejournal.com.

As for the president, he is conditionally “forced” to fly in a domestic car. First, it is a matter of the security of the head of state. Secondly, this is an issue of industrial safety and repair: components for the president's plane must always be available, regardless of the situation on the world stage. Thirdly, this is a kind of political declaration in the spirit of "we can - we can" and such things should not be taken lightly.

If you want to know even more interesting things, then you should read about what is
"Project X", or How the Soviet Union tried to create its own rotorcraft.