A good owner doesn't have anything in the bin! An experienced craftsman knows perfectly well how to usefully apply this or that thing that at first glance has outlived its time and no longer seems at least in the least useful. A striking example of this are jigsaw files, which sooner or later become dull and become unusable. Can you do something useful with them? The answer to this question is yes, you can..
So, how can you give your old jigsaw a "second life"? In fact, everything is quite simple. Dull files from a once useful tool can easily become the main component of one useful craft. To create it, first of all, you will need more or less straight arms and a certain amount of free time. You will also need a nozzle from an old drill, sandpaper, hot melt glue and of course the mentioned files.
It is worth immediately explaining what we will do with a grinding attachment for a jigsaw. Take a piece of wood or a plastic tube as a base. From the board, you can make a nozzle for processing rectangular holes and corners. A nozzle is made from the tube for processing round holes.
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The bottom line is to fix the base of the future nozzle on the file. To do this, the file should be cut into a piece of wood (tube) and fixed with hot melt glue. Next, you need to glue the gum to the base, and sandpaper on it. That is, in fact, all you need to do to create a useful accessory. The workflow is not tricky; even a schoolchild can implement a project. In "motion" the assembly of the nozzle can be seen in the video below.
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A source: https://novate.ru/blogs/060420/54053/