5 exercises for the waist, abdomen and legs that are easy to do at home on 3-4 m²

  • Dec 14, 2020
5 exercises for the waist, abdomen and legs that are easy to do at home on 3-4 square meters
5 exercises for the waist, abdomen and legs that are easy to do at home on 3-4 square meters

During the absence of the opportunity to visit the fitness club and gyms, the topic of physical exercise for doing at home is especially acute. Even if you are slim enough, the lack of daily walking will primarily affect the deposition of fat in the abs, waist and thighs. This material will show very simple ones - subject even to a lazy person! - exercises that will block the accumulation of fat in the aforementioned zones, and for their implementation there is enough area of ​​only 3-4 square meters.

1. "Boat" - light version

Looks simple, but start doing it to understand the full effectiveness!
Looks simple, but start doing it to understand the full effectiveness!

If you think this exercise is completely easy and seemingly ineffective... just start doing it! Your attention is given to the simplest version of a static exercise from yoga called "boat". Ideally, the legs should be straightened forward, but this option is enough to do it on the tip so as not to gain a lot of fat in the abdomen during self-isolation. The principle of implementation is as follows: we lie on our back, bend our knees and hold them in weight, tear off the shoulder blades from the floor, and stretch our arms forward to the feet at a distance of about 15 centimeters from the floor. The active work of the abdominal muscles begins.

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Ideally, hold the pose for 2 minutes every day. If it only takes 30 seconds the first time, no problem! Increase the number of seconds with each new day. If you walk up to 3 minutes over time, then the fat burning qualities of the exercise increase significantly. After completion, you do not need to eat for an hour.

2. "Scissors" lying on the stomach

A very powerful exercise. subject to all. / Photo: ayurvedaru.ru

TV star Laysan Utyasheva recently shared an effective home workout series that will help keep fit during quarantine. One of the exercises of her author's selection is the famous "scissors", but lying on the stomach and with the hands connected. Starting position: lie on your stomach, arms extended above your head. At a fairly fast pace, we make the "scissors" movement with our legs, and then smoothly connect our arms to the exercise. It will be more effective if we do not lift our head and tilt it down. Then we move on to the next movement: alternately raise and lower straight arms and legs as if we were swimming in water. On the first day, you can repeat 20 times, if it is very difficult. Then increase sets with each harvest. The ideal number of approaches per day is 100.

3. Balance on one leg with the simplest "half lotos"

Great exercise.

This exercise has so many benefits that it's hard to imagine. First, balancing skills will relieve you of the dizziness and headaches that are typical when you are unable to walk in the fresh air. Be sure to do it while airing the room! Secondly, the abdominal muscles can work. Thirdly, the thigh muscles work in such a way that they just fire! Fat is burned! Fourthly, the load on the back is relieved. Fifth, the muscles of the feet relax. And the list of usefulness can be continued for a long time ...

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Execution technique. Do a little squat. Place the ankle of one leg on the knee of your supporting leg. If you lose balance, you need to look at one point on the floor about a meter away from you. If balance is no longer lost, close your eyes. This static exercise can be performed from 20 seconds to 3 minutes per leg. It would be great to include some meditative music. The number of exercises performed per day is NOT LIMITED.

4. "Polubanan"

Not an exercise, but just a bomb! / Photo: lifehacker.ru

This exercise is so effective that just 20 sets a day will help you lose 1 kg in 2 weeks. And what if you do more approaches and several times a day?! Draw your own conclusions!!! The principle of implementation is as follows. Lie on the floor, straighten your legs, stretch your arms in front of you. With a deep exhalation, lift the body and left leg, while the hands tend to the left foot. Lock the pose in the extreme position for 5 seconds and slowly come back. Repeat the twist to the other leg. Continuing to alternate sides, repeat at least 20 sets.

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5. Chair pose

Sounds simple? Try it!

Did you think from the photo that this is a simple exercise? Then let's start doing it. You need to sit down on your knees, and stretch your arms forward and upward (palms "look" at each other). When viewed from the side, the knees should not go over the toes. With the growth of work in the muscles of the thighs and the press, it is advisable not to stop performing the exercise, but to endure and squat a few sentiments lower. The effects of the exercise are several: active work of the press, intense pumping of the muscles of the thighs (which helps to reduce their volume), a surge of energy and strength.

An important detail. Frozen during the off-season??? Utkatasana is recognized as the most warming of all yoga asanas. This is a universal mechanism for quickly warming up under any conditions (technically, it can be done even in a fur coat!).

At home, we swing not only the press and the barrel, but also the biceps with the help of two liter bottles filled with water.

At Novate. Ru there is a huge amount of material on effective home exercise collections that will help you have a good body without giving your hard-earned money to someone else. Stay with our healthy lifestyle blog and you will receive a link to new material every time! Today we offer you to familiarize yourself with the home physical education selection
Dynamic yoga at home: How to lose weight and improve your health in a few weeks.