What attacks on occasion was the ZIS-115 made for Stalin able to withstand

  • Dec 14, 2020
What attacks on occasion was the ZIS-115 made for Stalin able to withstand
What attacks on occasion was the ZIS-115 made for Stalin able to withstand

It will be quite problematic to find the first person of the state in the world who would not use a car with an increased level of protection for his needs. In the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin had his own armored ZIS-115. What was the car capable of for the first Soviet officials in terms of protection? It's time to look into this issue.

A car for the Leader. / Photo: yandex.ru.
A car for the Leader. / Photo: yandex.ru.

Initially, the young Soviet government was forced to buy cars for the top officials of the state abroad. Also actively used were cars confiscated and nationalized during the revolution. However, time passed and it became more and more obvious that the Soviet Union should acquire its own fleet of vehicles with an increased level of protection. The development of a "car for the Leader" at the ZiS was started even before the start of World War II. The order for the production of the first ZIS-115 came to the enterprise in 1943.

For top officials of the state. / Photo: yandex.ru.
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The main thing in the ZIS-115 was of course the proposed level of protection, which consisted of two components: driving performance and booking. In terms of dynamics, the car was fast enough. The car was driven by an 8-cylinder petrol carburetor unit with a volume of 6 liters and a return of 140 hp. The torque reached 392 Nm. The maximum speed could rise to 140 km / h on the highway, which made the ZIS-115 one of the fastest cars of its time.

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Armored modification of the 110th. / Photo: yandex.by.

As for the reservation, it was produced separately and formed something like an armored hull under the car body. The protection extended to everyone inside the vehicle. The capsule was composed of armor plates and bulletproof glass. All elements were produced under the code name "Product-100". In case of sabotage, the number of the shop and the data of the master who made it was applied to each piece of armor. Glasses for the ZIS-115 were glued from several types of glass using a special glue. An empty cavity was also left inside, which was needed to protect against condensation. The total thickness of the element was 75 mm.

What attacks on occasion was the ZIS-115 made for Stalin able to withstand

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The main car of the country. / Photo: yandex.com.

As a result, the car was able to withstand fire from any firearms of that time, ranging from pistols and machine guns to rifles and machine guns. In addition, the armored bottom of the ZIS-115 could withstand the simultaneous detonation of several hand grenades comparable in power to the domestic RGD-33 without any problems.

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What attacks on occasion was the ZIS-115 made for Stalin able to withstand