A smart trick to help you clear a blockage in your sink effortlessly

  • Dec 14, 2020
A smart trick to help you clear a blockage in your sink effortlessly
A smart trick to help you clear a blockage in your sink effortlessly

Clogs in the kitchen and bathroom are widespread phenomena that make themselves felt with enviable regularity. They take a lot of effort, time and nerves of the owners. Fortunately, there is a fairly simple and effective technique that will allow you to remove even a heavy blockage in the sink without any problems in just a couple of minutes.

Sooner or later, the plunger will stop helping. / Photo: vannadecor.ru.
Sooner or later, the plunger will stop helping. / Photo: vannadecor.ru.

Why is the pipe clogged? The main culprit for these incidents is, of course, fat, which gradually accumulates in pipe, acting as a cementitious material for food waste, hair, other debris falling into sewerage. In order to defeat the majority of such blockages, even very strong ones, it is necessary to strike a decisive blow at the root cause, namely, on the fat plug stuck in the pipe. Ordinary soda and vinegar will help in this difficult matter, as well as something with which you can tightly and reliably clog the sink drain.

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Sprinkle soda. / Photo: yandex.ua.

The mechanics of clearing a blockage in the kitchen are extremely simple. To begin with, it is recommended to work again with a plunger. Most likely, you will not be able to achieve a positive result with this action, but the plunger will help "develop" the plug. After that, soda is poured into the drain hole (you can have a whole pack) and poured with vinegar. Immediately after this, a violent reaction will begin and you need to have time to close the drain hole.

Pour the vinegar and close the pipe. / Photo: fb.ru.

By interacting with each other, baking soda and vinegar will release a huge amount of gas. If the drain in the sink is tightly and securely clogged, then the released gas will have nowhere to go, and it will begin to destroy, push the blockage. We wait about an hour, after which we let warm water. If the first time it was not possible to completely clean the drain, then we repeat the entire procedure again.

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We rinse with warm water. / Photo: pndtryba.ru.

You can do the same with the drain in the bathroom, but if hair gets into the pipe, then it will not be so easy to break through the blockage. First you have to remove that very hair. This is done mechanically using conventional plastic ties. On one such screed, teeth (notches) are made using scissors or a knife. After that, it connects to the second grave, on which notches are also made. A handicraft tool of the required length is pushed into the pipe, after which we try to pry the hair. As soon as this happens, we pull out the screeds, clean them of debris and repeat the procedure to the bitter end. Usually 3-4 calls are enough.

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A similar tool can be made from ordinary heavy ones. / Photo: kazanexpress.ru.

Continuing the topic, read about 6 ideas on how to use a windowsill in a tiny kitchen for other purposes.
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