A pedestrian entered a zebra crossing, but still far from the car: should he be allowed to pass

  • Dec 14, 2020
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The pedestrian entered the zebra crossing, but still far from the car: should he be allowed to pass.
The pedestrian entered the zebra crossing, but still far from the car: should he be allowed to pass.

To skip or not skip is the question. In fact, "showdown" with pedestrians at an unregulated pedestrian crossing is one of the most widespread violations among domestic motorists. Considering all this, it's time to dot the "I" in this issue.

As it was before?

It wasn't better before. / Photo: weacom.ru.

It wasn't better before. / Photo: weacom.ru.

Earlier in the traffic rules there was such a thing as "pedestrian pass". The traffic rules directly stated that as soon as a pedestrian stepped on a zebra crossing, including at an unregulated pedestrian crossing - the motorist is obliged to stop and let him pass (and all the others who cross the road with him and after him). However, later the situation changed and some changes were made to the current rules.

How are things going now?

You need to know the rules. / Photo: vk.com.

In the current regulations, the concept of "letting in a pedestrian" has been replaced by the concept of "yield to a pedestrian". The concept of "yield" in the traffic rules means a requirement for a traffic participant, according to which he does not have the right to start, resume or continue driving, and perform any other maneuver that could force other road users who have an advantage over the driver to change their speed, direction or route movement.

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Better to give in. / Photo: twitter.com.

The essence of the problem lies in the fact that some traffic police officers are trying to fine drivers even for those situations when their passage did not force pedestrians (as having an advantage on the road) to change their speed or direction movement. Most often, such "controversial" situations are resolved by recording from the registrar, as well as verbatim citation of the current rules.

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And what about in practice?

Let them go. / Photo: kolmovo.ru.

Practice shows that it is best to always let pedestrians pass. A couple of seconds spent will always cost less than all those problems that can be earned on a word of your head when dealing with the police with or without reason. Especially if the worst happens and the pedestrian falls under the wheels of the vehicle.

Continuing the topic, read about 5 common methods of cheating drivers by fraudsters on the road and not only.
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