To berries raspberries were no worms

  • Dec 24, 2019

Even when raspberries pleases abundant harvest, fans of this sweet berries can expect trouble in the form of larvae of pests.

Growing raspberries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing raspberries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Where are the worms in raspberries

Most commonly affects the berry:

  • raspberry beetle;
  • Malin fly;
  • raspberry-strawberry weevil;
  • spider mite;
  • grozdevoy moth.

These insects overwinter in the soil and fallen leaves and in spring migrate along the stem and lay eggs in the ovaries. Larvae hatch just at the time of ripening, so the berries become worm-eaten. Female raspberry beetle per season played for about 40 eggs. she lays them locally, and 1 each in each berry. Even a small population of this insect is able to fully exhaust the entire crop.

Therefore, in the autumn of land should be completely cleaned of plant debris, and as a covering material to use straw or leaves of other species.

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Wind, birds, and even other insects can become carriers of parasites, so precise confidence that the raspberry bushes protected from intruders, no.
Caring for raspberries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Caring for raspberries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

How to protect against pests raspberries

To berries raspberries was not worms, should be carried out a range of activities. They must start with the early spring.

  • As soon as the snow come down, logging site should be cleaned of plant debris that the winter camouflage bush roots. After that, the stems need to pour boiling water uncool. It will not hurt the plants, and parasites may die part. Such processing must be subjected to all berry crops in the area. Since many pests are pests of several plants, it is necessary to deal with them comprehensively. Watering should start with a strawberry. It hibernates raspberry-strawberry weevil - weevil.
  • The surface mulch plots to pests that live in the soil, could not get to the surface. Mulch and the soil surface to be treated with 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture or potassium permanganate. As an exterminator can use tobacco dust, wood ash or coal.
  • For the prevention of raspberry bushes 1 every 1-2 weeks are treated mustard infusion. For this purpose 20 g dry mustard powder half soaked in 10 liters of water. Mustard smell deter pests, and they leave the plantation. The same effect has spraying plants with a solution of sodium bicarbonate. To do this in a bucket of water is dissolved 2 tablespoons powder with a slide.
  • Spray suit infusion of tansy. The bucket of hot water is brewed 750 g dry plant raw material and infused until complete cooling.
  • In the mass invasion of pests will help the infusion of hot peppers. A bucket of water is taken 1 kg of fresh pods and insist night. Thus the composition of the bushes sprayed every 2-3 days.
  • Regularly inspect the plant and destroy identified insects. Damaged berries, too, is removed.
  • Insect pests are actively multiplying in the thickened, poorly ventilated landings. Therefore, raspberries should be planted in rows, leaving a wide aisle. Do not neglect the weeding.
  • It is not recommended to put this berry close with blackberry and meadowsweet, as they have common pests. But the proximity to the plants such as celery, basil, onion, garlic, cilantro, scented tobacco, petunia, tansy, will only benefit. Their pungent smell will repel adult insects.
Harvest raspberries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Harvest raspberries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Many pests are small, so show up when their population becomes large. To avoid this, you should regularly carry out preventive treatment of berry trees.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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