5 practical tips to help you place a wooden post so it doesn't rot

  • Dec 14, 2020
5 practical tips to help you place a wooden post so it doesn't rot
5 practical tips to help you place a wooden post so it doesn't rot

Wooden fence posts are still one of the most common solutions when installing not only a temporary, but also a completely permanent fence. Every more or less experienced owner knows that a wooden post simply inserted into the ground will rot, at best, in 5-7 years. In reality, this can happen much faster. Depending on specific conditions. Let's figure out how you can extend the life of the post.

1. Impregnation

The impregnation of the wood post is important. | Photo: zaborsebe.ru.
The impregnation of the wood post is important. | Photo: zaborsebe.ru.

Before you start to put wooden poles, they must be treated with impregnations, which on the one hand, they protect the material from premature decay, and on the other, from the harmful effects ultraviolet radiation. In this case, the lower part of the column must be thoroughly and deeply impregnated without fail.

2. Drainage

Crushed stone will help. | Photo: flot-nerud.ru.

Before installing the post in each pit, it is imperative to create a drainage cushion. It is made from rubble. A layer of about 15 centimeters should be sufficient. Some people use stones for this, but rubble is still the best solution in such a situation.

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3. Correct fill

Correct fill. | Photo: stroim-iz-betona.ru.

In order for the pillar to stand for a long time and firmly, it must not be covered with earth, but filled with concrete. In this case, it is also important to know that the pouring should be performed slightly above ground level. So that the concrete protrudes above its level by at least 5-8 centimeters. This is necessary so that water does not accumulate at the base of the column.

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4. And again the sealant

We treat the post with a sealant. ¦ Photo: strport.ru.

When the post is already filled with concrete, then the sealant should be put into action again. When the material hardens, and the pillar is firmly in place, it is necessary to treat the upper joint of concrete and wood with a protective substance. In this case, the sealant must be of the correct type: for working with concrete.

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5. Protective cap

You can buy or do it yourself. ¦ Photo: ya.ru.

Work is being completed on the installation of a wooden post by putting a protective post on its upper part. You can make it from any suitable material yourself. The easiest way is from a plastic bottle. The cap should be fixed to the post using screws or nails.

And: separately, it is advisable to add some detergent to the concrete at the time of preparation. The composition is added at the rate of 50 g of detergent per bucket of cement. This is necessary to reduce pores in the material and reduce the amount of absorbed moisture.

If you want to know even more useful things, then you should read about how
protect the gutter from leaves and other debris at my dacha.
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