How to make a drill that won't scroll in the chuck

  • Dec 14, 2020
How to make a drill that won't scroll in the chuck
How to make a drill that won't scroll in the chuck

If a person regularly uses a drill with drills, then he knows perfectly well what the scrolling of a drilling element in a chuck is. There is little tool that is pleasant in this behavior. Many owners and craftsmen solve this issue by biting the drill at the exit. However, it is possible to enter the solution of the issue from another, at first glance, very unexpected side.

Disclaimer: the editors want to add on their own that the described methods of modernization, although they are interesting, are in fact not without drawbacks. Firstly, drills modified in this way can simply break in the chuck if the load on them is too great. Secondly, when working with more or less massive drills at high speeds, there is a serious risk of jamming the tool, the drill will simply be pulled out of the hands. The latter is associated with the risk of injury. So it is necessary to use these improvement techniques at your own peril and risk.

Drill in the drill chuck. | Photo:
Drill in the drill chuck. | Photo:
instagram viewer

What is the main problem with constantly turning the drill in the chuck? This phenomenon is by no means harmless. The problem lies in the fact that sooner or later such a drill will grind off, the shank will break. Ultimately, the drill will simply become unusable. Or, its more or less reliable fixation will be fraught with a lot of additional difficulties. Most often, the drill begins to slip if it is not properly fixed, biting the element only at the exit from the chuck.

Modernization of the drill from rotating in the chuck. | Photo:

The drill, which was fixed in the chuck with "factory precision", is not devoid of the risks of slippage during operation. In order to be sure to protect against destruction of the shank, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of cranking at the root. And for this you have to do something to refine the tool. There are two main approaches to this issue. For subsequent work, welding will be required.

Disassembled drill with removed cartridge. | Photo:

The first option for modernizing a drill is to weld a small bead to the tool shank. After cooling, the welded-on element must be prepared for use by turning it so that it freely entered and exited the cartridge, and also so that nothing would interfere with its subsequent fixation in German

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Insert the drill into the chuck. ¦Photo:

The second option for modernizing the drill is to make a small groove in the shank. To do this, you will have to get hold of some wire for the role of a key. In most cases, a 2.6 mm diameter electrode is ideal. The key is seized by welding on both sides, after which it is cleaned.

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