Gladiators in Ancient Rome: did they have a chance to survive in the arena

  • Dec 14, 2020
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Gladiators in Ancient Rome: did they have a chance to survive in the arena
Gladiators in Ancient Rome: did they have a chance to survive in the arena

The heart-rending roar of the 40-thousandth crowd, blood, sand, pretentious speeches and a handful of desperate, doomed to perish brave men in the middle of all this. Cruel gladiatorial performances are one of the most famous attributes of Ancient Rome, which was mercilessly exploited by modern mass culture. But was everything the way we are used to seeing in the movies? Did the Romans really drive tens and hundreds of trained fighters into the arena to slaughter them like unfortunate sheep? Of course, things are far from simple.

Bloody sport

Initially, this is a ritual. | Photo:
Initially, this is a ritual. | Photo:

To understand the issue, you should start from the very beginning. The first thing to understand is that gladiator games are not fun, no matter how strange it may seem. Or at least not only fun, but also an important religious ritual. In essence, games are a human sacrifice to the gods. The Romans adopted the custom from their neighbors and competitors on the peninsula - the Etruscans. Initially, the "games" involved prisoners of war, whom the Romans forced to fight each other for their own amusement, promising to free the survivors. As a rule, initially at the end of the battle, the survivors were still killed, sacrificing to the gods.

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First, the prisoners were killed. | Photo:

The situation began to change in 105 BC, when gladiatorial games were introduced in Rome as an official public spectacle and religious ritual. Now the games were held not spontaneously after military campaigns, but in an organized way. The care of the arrangement of the spectacles was entrusted to the magistrate officials. In addition to prisoners of war, criminals and slaves began to take part in the games. Gladiatorial games also became a form of the death penalty for those who seriously violated Roman laws.

Interesting fact: according to Roman law, if a criminal sentenced “to the sword” survived in the arena for 5 years, then the charges were dropped from him. However, it was virtually impossible for the criminal to escape in the arena. He could simply be driven into the arena without weapons, and even if he killed the gladiator, then a new, fresh fighter was put up against him. Thus, death was inevitable for the breaker of the law.

Only then did it become a spectacle. | Photo:

The popularity of games grew rapidly. The crowd inevitably began to sympathize with the most successful fighters. For Rome, games are becoming not only a ritual in honor of the gods and not just entertainment, they are becoming an important tool in the social and political life of a rapidly growing state. This means that specialists are needed who could be engaged in bloody labor with maximum efficiency.

Who studied what

Games are held for a reason. | Photo:

With the development of gladiator games, the appearance of the first more or less professional fighters in Rome, the first schools of gladiators were created. Contrary to the cinema, not only slaves were recruited there. Any person living in the Republic, including a woman, could apply to gladiators at will (although there were very few of them). However, in this case, it was not a slave who should have understood that after becoming a gladiator, he would immediately fall into the social category of “unworthy”. It also included theater actors, musicians, prostitutes, etc.

Tough guys. | Photo:

Despite the fact that the gladiators did not have any "fencing", their preparation took quite a long time and required a serious infusion of forces and means. Mainly, future gladiators were engaged in physical training with proper nutrition. However, one shouldn't assume that they looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Strength exercises and a diet of mostly porridge made them look like such "strong chubby". In other words, although gladiators were living toys for the Romans, they were quite expensive toys. The ability to slaughter like cattle even a dozen gladiators in the arena in one performance is a luxury available only on a special occasion for the state.

This is a game. | Photo:

Most of the professional gladiators whose remains have been found died at the age of 20-30. A study of their remains indicates the presence of a huge number of wounds with varying degrees of prescription, as well as traces of numerous healed fractures. This means that the gladiators, on average, survived in the arena for quite a long time. Moreover, they received specialized care. By the standards of antiquity, medicine was quite developed in Ancient Rome, especially military medicine.

Interesting fact: the famous gesture with the flick of a finger that decides the fate of a gladiator is actually a product of modern culture. The “Pollice verso” gesture did exist in Rome, but how exactly it looked is unknown. Its modern image (finger turned up - life, thumb down - death) was created only in 1872 by the French artist Jean-Leon Gerome in the painting, which is called “Pollice verso ".

A serious decision. | Photo:

At the same time, death for the gladiator was not at all an obligatory end for two reasons. First, the more popular a fighter became, the less luck, physical fitness, and combat skills affected his survival chances. The sympathy of the crowd was of increasing importance. And the crowd doesn't want to part with their favorites. Secondly, the routine of a gladiator's work was primarily associated with the ritual murders of slaves, prisoners of war and criminals. And all of these categories, as a rule, did not have the slightest chance against professionals.

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When it came to a battle between gladiators and gladiators, the owners themselves did not really want to slaughter their subordinates like cattle for the amusement of the rabble. Therefore, a significant part of such battles were simply negotiated. Of course, even such battles were associated with a certain degree of risk to life and health, but they still fell into the category of staging and performance.

The battles were often negotiated. | Photo:

Despite the complexity and danger of work, many gladiators quite successfully survived to adulthood age and even old age, until they received freedom (wooden sword) or died of natural reasons. Successful gladiators who were previously slaves often turned into freedmen. By this time, the gladiator was already successful and wealthy enough to start a "new life".

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Evidence has come down to us from the Romans that many respected fighters, even after gaining freedom, remained to fight in the arena. Others went to work in gladiatorial schools. Still others became mercenaries in noble families as "torpedoes" to resolve "issues", bodyguards, teachers. In addition, even acting gladiators often became "house slaves" to whom there was a completely different attitude and another degree of trust on the part of the master due to the fact that they were engaged in special work and errands.

This is civilization. ¦ Photo:

Ancient Rome was built on the blood and suffering of hundreds of thousands of people, but at the same time it gave millions of future generations what we use to this day. Social elevators are one of those things. Since it was the Roman Republic that became one of the first societies of mankind, where they worked most actively. Here the slaves became free. Rootless rabble rose to respectable citizens. Plebeians and simple legionnaires rose to emperors.

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Roman Pantheon: unsolved mysteries of an ancient architectural masterpiece.
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