3 Disadvantages of the German Shepherd Dog to Consider When Choosing a Dog

  • Dec 14, 2020
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 3 Disadvantages of the German Shepherd Dog to Consider When Choosing a Dog
3 Disadvantages of the German Shepherd Dog to Consider When Choosing a Dog

A dog is man's best friend. Everyone knows this maxim since childhood. For many compatriots, the shepherd dog was and remains the embodiment of the ideal dog: strong, loyal, and executive. However, many people forget that when choosing a pet for themselves, one should take into account the characteristic features of the breed. So the German Shepherd has three "disadvantages" that should be taken into account by most responsible animal lovers.

1. High mobility

Needs good walking. / Photo: pernatiki.com.
Needs good walking. / Photo: pernatiki.com.

Sheepdogs are one of the most active and mobile breeds. If you do not devote a lot of time to a dog of this breed on the street, then it will begin to hurt physically and mentally. Therefore, it is difficult to keep a shepherd dog in an urban environment, especially if there is no suitable place for walking and a playground (or its like) nearby. This breed, like no other, needs daily physical activity. This means that you will have to walk the dog for about an hour.

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2. Discipline

The dog needs proper walking. / Photo: dogs.ru.

The shepherd has a very powerful hunting instinct. A dog needs regular drainage of its aggression, activity and interest. To do this, she must be constantly at work. Therefore, a young shepherd dog must be subjected to tough training. You should start as early as 8 months of age. If you miss this period, the dog may develop a wrong psyche, it will be wayward, aggressive and disobedient. Do not forget that professional training is a long process and quite costly in terms of finance. These nuances should be taken into account by the potential owner.

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3. Place of Containment

Needs space. / Photo: nashgazon.com.

The German Shepherd is not a breed that you can lay on your knees and pet. The dog is exceptionally freedom-loving. For this reason, the Shepherd Dog feels extremely negative in confined spaces. It is best to start this breed with a private house with a plot of land at its disposal. In an apartment (especially a small one), she will be completely uncomfortable. However, with sufficient loads during walking and training, the shepherd can get along in it. A big plus in this case is that the dog is constantly in contact with the owner and is not left to itself.

Continuing the topic, read about what not to do when a dog attacksand how to prevent it.
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