Will it make sense if you shove a crowbar or a rail into a tank track, as was advised in the war?

  • Dec 14, 2020
Will it make sense if you shove a crowbar or a rail into a tank track, as was advised in the war?
Will it make sense if you shove a crowbar or a rail into a tank track, as was advised in the war?

The First World War turned the idea of ​​battle tactics upside down, thanks to the widespread use of fundamentally new types of weapons, most of which are still in use today. First of all, we are talking, of course, about tanks. Together with their appearance, various means of counteraction began to actively develop. Few people know, however, tactical manuals for the infantry also describe how to destroy a tank using improvised means. And now we are not talking about Molotov cocktails.

Stronger than you think. / Photo: rus-infopress.ru.
Stronger than you think. / Photo: rus-infopress.ru.

What if the last anti-tank missile system in the unit was shot or was completely destroyed, and the enemy tanks continue to advance? The correct answer is to look for a scrap or a log. It is hard to believe, but even in the second half of the 20th century, similar instructions were contained in the tactical instructions of a number of European countries. Including in the army of Great Britain, Italy and Finland.

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You can't hit a caterpillar with a log. / Photo: kitmaker.net.

So, for example, the British created a tactical manual for their soldiers after Dunkirk at the very beginning of World War II # 42, which offered, among other things, very exotic ways to eliminate enemy armored vehicles using henchmen facilities. The soldiers were instructed to get a source of fire, a blanket, flammable liquid and a rail.

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Harsh technique. / Photo: m.fishki.net.

In accordance with the instruction, the rail had to be pushed into the tank under the drive wheels so that it would jam. Then, it was necessary to cover the engine compartment with a blanket, pour it over with a combustible mixture and set it on fire. Whether the British managed to stop at least one German tanks in this way, history is silent.

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It is not that simple. / Photo: livejournal.com.

They went even further in the Finnish army. Before the outbreak of the Winter War with the USSR, local tactics seriously suggested using a scrap or a log to stop the tank. They should have been put into the same chassis of the car. Finnish veterans of the conflict remembered these useless instructions with a smile. This is because, in practice, it is impossible to jam the driving roller in this way. The tracks of tanks grind and squeeze foreign objects caught in them without any problems, even if it is a huge log or metal scrap.

Continuing the topic, you can read about why is a thickening made on a tank gun and what is the use of it.
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