Problems cucumbers. Questions and answers

  • Dec 24, 2019

Cucumbers grow on almost every site, but not all gardeners can boast of a good harvest this crop. Most often, they are given the same questions.

Growing cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Important points in the cultivation of cucumbers

This vegetable crop requires careful maintenance. Listen to the advice of experienced gardeners, we can solve any problem cucumbers. Questions & Answers include many useful recommendations.

Why Cucumbers grow crooked?

To determine the reason why fruits are unnaturally bent out of shape, you should pay attention to its features. If the fruit is similar to a pear, it indicates a lack of potassium. If the tip of fetal narrow and thus has a light shade, the plant needs nitrogen. Compensate for the deficiency of these trace elements can be by means such as "Uniflor-bud" (potassium) and "Uniflor-Growth" (nitrogen).

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One can use a solution zoly.1 glass material is poured boiling water, allowed to stand for 10-12 hours, and then diluted in a bucket of water. This solution is sprayed with a bed with cucumbers. Another way - to dissolve in water manure in a ratio of 1:10 and 1 every 10-14 days this soiling liquid cucumbers.

If the fetus is narrow in the middle, it indicates a difference of day and night temperatures. Arcuate cucumbers often grow due to cross-pollination. This form may also be the result of uneven watering.

Caring for cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Caring for cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Why cucumbers have a bitter taste?

If cucumbers taste bitter, it means that they contain a large amount of a substance such as kukurbitatsin. It increases if broken irrigation regime, very cold water is used, there is an abrupt change in temperature, cold. It is necessary to strengthen the defenses plants using a variety of drugs. It is time to protect the beds from the unpleasant weather conditions, to carry out fertilizer potassium and calcium nitrate.

How to deal with black aphids?

Black aphids swarmed shoots cucumbers often in the second half of the season. In the struggle with it should not be used chemical poisons. It is better to resort to natural means, e.g., a solution of potassium permanganate, garlic, green soap and t. D. Aphids easily destroy water whose temperature reaches + 45 °... + 53 ° C. In this case, such treatment will not harm the plant.

Why on cucumbers have yellow spots, which then turn into a hole?

If fruits were yellow spots, this indicates a disease as anthracnose. The plant should be immediately process means "fitosporin". Solution sprayed leaves 1 every 2 weeks. It can help the infusion of garlic or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Some gardeners use ash solution.

Diseases of cucumber. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Diseases of cucumber. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Why the stems are covered with white bloom and in this case it is necessary to do?

Bright coating is formed by stem rot, which occurs when a long time is worth a cool wet weather. It should be carefully wipe the stems, then sprinkle them with ash. In the absence of ash can be used chalk diluted in potassium permanganate solution. They lubricate the stem.

What if the leaves are covered with white bloom?

White patches on the green cucumbers points to powdery mildew. Leaves treated "fitosporin" or "Cubic Zirconia". To get rid of the disease, it is necessary to ventilate the greenhouse, not to fill the beds, even a little dry ground priporoshit his ashes.

What if the leaves become marble?

This phenomenon indicates the lack of potassium. Restore the health of plants you can use the funds "Uniflor-bud" or dolomite milk. If the color is yellow spots, then most likely, it is the tobacco mosaic. Drug use "Zircon".

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Read more: Secrets of late planting cucumbers