To carrots were sweet and crispy

  • Dec 24, 2019

Carrots - healthy and vitamin-rich vegetables, but - moody. In the wrong conditions of growing fruits grow crooked, hairy and bitter taste. To carrots were sweet and crispy, you need to regularly take care of it.

Growing carrots. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing carrots. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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soil preparation

To grow delicious and rich harvest, should first take care of the site for planting seeds:

  • Carrot is recommended to plant at the open and well-lit areas.
  • Over time, the soil is exhausted, it accumulated the larvae of pests and pathogens, so you need to abide by the rules of crop rotation. Before the carrots on a site recommended to grow legumes, early potatoes, cucumbers, winter garlic and onions.
  • For this vegetable is suitable soil with a neutral pH. Even in the slightly acidic soil in the roots of sugar level drops. Neutralize acidity by using lime and ash.
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Sowing carrot. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Sowing carrot. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

the secrets of growing

To carrots grown sweet, it needs regular maintenance:

  • Tillage. The first recommended weeding implement to sprouting, t. K. Weeds detrimental influence on the vegetable. Weeds must be removed immediately after its occurrence.
  • Loosening. Dense clumps of earth crust and contribute to the distortion of root crops. Even carrots large size will have an ugly appearance.
  • Compliance levels thickened crops. Thin out the landing is necessary after the onset of the first green. The optimal distance between the seedlings - 3 cm. The procedure must be repeated after the appearance of thicker apex, increasing the distance between the seedlings to 5-6 cm.
  • Watering. In the absence of proper watering vegetable wither, bitterness appears. Regular moisturizing is important at all stages of the growth of carrots. Adult planting vegetables should moisturize at least 30 cm deep.
Watering carrots. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Watering carrots. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
  • Protection from pests. Because of the defeat of the carrot root fly gorchat. Get rid of the pest will help tobacco mixture. You must sprinkle it between rows of the thinning of seedlings. Also, protect the culture of insect pests will bow neighborhood and soil mulching. The fallen pine needles, sawdust or hay will not allow the flies leave larvae in the ground.
  • Adding dressings. The first feeding is recommended to carry out a phase of growth of the fetus, in late July - early August. Effective tool - NPK. For feeding solution was prepared: 40 g of substance in 10 liters of water; watered aisle. In late August, plants need in boron and manganese. These minerals help to increase the level of sugar in the fruit. As fertilizers can be used ash (add to the soil at the rate of ½ cup 1 m linear soil) or boronic acid (1 hour to dissolve. l. acid in a bucket of hot water, cool and spray beds).
It should be noted that it is impossible to fertilize organic carrots. Subject to natural fertilizing only a culture which was grown in the area previously. Manure contains large amounts of nitrogen and gives this vegetable unpleasant taste of iodine and unnaturally red shade, shape deformed.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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