How to protect tomatoes from wilting leaves

  • Dec 24, 2019

Tomatoes protect the leaves from wilting in plants grown in greenhouses - the main task of the gardener in the holiday season. The disease is accompanied by twisting of green mass. The owner can lose the whole crop.

Growing tomatoes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing tomatoes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Symptoms of the disease

Wilt (vertitsillez) is kind of fungus Verticillium. Multiplying in the topsoil due to changes in the level of humidity and sudden temperature changes, pathogen harms plants.

The main causes of pathology:

  • contaminated soil;
  • copious irrigation of tomatoes;
  • sharp fluctuations in air temperature.

Patient tomato seedlings are killed in the defeat of the causative agent. In some cases, the disease spreads to the root system, which is completely dies. The leaves wither, the lower part of the shoot wilt or curl into a tube.

The stem of diseased plants loses its elasticity, the flowers, the fruit shrivel, change color and fall to the ground.
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Disease of tomatoes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Disease of tomatoes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Experienced gardeners cut the upper part of the shoot. On a section of tissue, they discover that changed its color, and small brown dots. This characteristic signs vertitsilleza tomatoes.

Infection process covers the entire root system, causing inflammation in the blood vessels of the stem. Plants suffering from lack of fluids and nutrients. Toxins are destroying their tissues. Infection does not occur for a long time, so it is difficult to help the tomatoes in the first days of the disease.

Untimely extended treatment leads to the death of many plants. In greenhouse conditions affected some tomato plants. They chlorosis appears in some parts of lamina.

In the daytime the leaves fall, but the morning of their tone is completely restored. The disease kills the plant, develops 100% infected leaf plate die roots.

Control and Prevention

The first step is to carry out preventive measures, and treatment of adults tomatoes does not always bring results. If after watering cottager found at the site of diseased plants should dig up the shrub and remove from the garden or burn. Should not compost infected tomatoes, creating a source of further spread of the fungal infection. Experienced gardeners cultivated plant varieties that are resistant to wilt.

Sprinkle tomatoes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Sprinkle tomatoes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Before purchasing seeds need to pay attention to packaging, which indicates that the variety is resistant to vertitsillezu.

In the period of intensive growth of tomatoes are treated with herbicides several times during the summer season, preventing the development of fungal diseases. Ogorodniki use tools such as Bordeaux mixture, Trihodermin.

We can not forget about the processing of tomatoes such drugs as fitosporin-M. Herbicide improves the immune system of the plant. Best results are obtained by soaking seeds in fitosporin solution.

If drugs can not suppress higher pathogen resistance, chemical agents are used:

  • Previkur;
  • Maksim.

Summer residents for several years do not use the infected soil land for planting vegetable crops only remove weeds. Changing the rotation eliminates the vertitsilleza. Tomatoes increase productivity, reduced loss tomatoes resulting from fungal infestation.

Pay great attention to humidity and thorough soil loosening, compliance with the order of irrigation.

Irrigation tomatoes apply warm water, ie. K. Tomatoes are permanently under stress after treatment with cold liquid. Well kept ground conditions - guarantee the disappearance of the pathogen.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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